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Lacey was worried. She knew that Leigh was gone and how she and Sami were getting closer and it scared her. Leigh was gone with Mia and now Lacey felt alone and scared.

Lacey wiped the tears from her eyes and sighed as the door to the flat opened as Sami wake in. Lacey looked to him for a Moment and turned away as he asked over to her and smiled

"have you spoke to Leigh?" He asked as Lacey shock her head

"no, only told me she was safe and that was it" Lacey said as Sami sat next to her. He placed a hand on top of hers and smiled

"are you okay?" He asked as Lacey sighed

"there's a letter for the court case for what I did to Ryan, they're going to lock me up Sami. I never meant for this, I never wanted to hurt him I just didn't want him to hurt me anymore. He raped me and told me it was Normal and because of this, because of what he did I could go to jail before of him" Lacey said as Sami looked to her and frowned. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as they held a look

"I know that your scared and it's okay to be but none of it is your fault I promise. I am here and I am going to defend your and you won't go to prison I promise" Sami said

Lacey looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. Lacey froze for a moment a she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

Lacey knew it was wrong but it felt so right. He pulled her close so that her legs were around his waist. Sami picked her up and carried her to the bedroom as he lay her on the bed. He looked to her and frowned

"are you sure?" Sami said. He wasn't thinking over Leigh but over how the last time Leigh had sex was the rape

"I am, I want to" Lacey said as she pulled him close and kissed him. Lacey knew it was wrong, he was with Leigh but she knew that she wanted too. They stripped off as he climbed on top of her.

He kissed her skin causing her to moan in pleasure as he climbed on top of her and pulled her close as he pushed into her. Lacey moaned as he started to move in and out of her at pace that they both wanted.

She ran her hands through his hair as he leant in and kissed her passionately. Lacey knew what they what they were doing was wrong but she knew it felt so right even if he was with her sister.

Lacey moaned as she felt herself reach her high as Sami followed her, alley knew she should be full of regret but she wasn't, not really


The court date was getting closer. Lacey was scared. She didn't want to go to prison for defending herself. She knew that it was a high chance she would be.

Lacey walked downstairs. It had been a few days since she and Sami had slept together. She knew that she shouldn't have done it. That he was with Leigh.

Sami walked in and smiled. "I think we need to talk about what happened. We had sex."

Lacey nodded. "I know. But I can't do that to my sister. She's done so much for me."

Sami rolled his eyes. "She left you to get one over on Warren Fox."

Lacey knew that Leigh did what she had to for Mia. But she missed her sister. She sighed. "We both know it shouldn't have happened. Despite it all, you're still with Leigh. She loves you."

"If she loved me, she wouldn't have taken that little girl from the hospital. She would have stayed and sorted this out."


Lacey returned to the flat and sighed. Diane was there. "I've got to go and fetch the kids. Sami is upstairs. Leigh isn't here so I don't know why he's still coming around."

Lacey smiled slightly. She looked up as Sami walked downstairs. She looked at him as he walked over. "I wanted to wait. Until after your court case. But we're here now. So why should we wait?" He asked.

"Well. Don't let me interrupt anything."

Both Sami and Lacey saw Leigh standing there. Arms crossed and she didn't look happy. Lacey smiled. "I missed you so much."


Lacey frowned. She looked around. "Where's Mia?" She asked as she looked for her niece.

Leigh sighed. "She's in the hospital. She has a match. That's why I'm back."


Lacey smiled as Sami looked at her. "I meant what I said. I want you more than anything. I can end it with Leigh. But it's you I want," he said.

Lacey shook her head. "We can't do it to Leigh. Her head is a mess and she needs you. So forget what we thought we wanted and be there for her and for Mia."

Leigh came out the bedroom and saw the two of them. "I need to go. Mia is in the hospital on a private ward."

"Is she okay?"

Leigh nodded. "She's doing okay. All things considered. Look, I need to go."

"Wait. There's something you should know. Warren is living in the village. He's hooking up with Mercedes McQueen," Lacey said.



Leigh was at the hospital. Sami walked over to Lacey and kissed her. She kissed back. But could she stop herself from having an affair with her sister's boyfriend?

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