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Lacey sat in the flat with Sami "we need to tell Leigh over us. We have kept it hidden long enough it's the right thing to do" Lacey said as Sami looked to her and sighed

"I don't know" he said as she looked to him and frowned

"what do you mean by that. Sami I am pregnant and I can't continue to keep this a secret any longer. It's not fair. On me or her. We need to do the right thing and with my morning sickness she will know I am pregnant and she'll want to know who got me pregnant" Lacey said as Sami looked to her and smiled

"I know. I know it's complicated just give it a little time: I don't want to hurt Leigh and I need to work out what to say. I never meant for any of this to happen but it did" Sami said as Lacey nodded

"I know. She's my sister and she is the last person I ever wanted to hurt" Lacey said as Sami sat next to her and smiled. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"it's all going to b okay I promise" he said as he leant in and kissed her. Lacey kissed him back as she wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned into the kiss knowing they were way past complicated

Lacey got back to the flat and smiled as she saw Leigh with Mia

"why didn't you tell me?" Leigh asked


"That the scum got sent down and your not going to jail for defending yourself" Leigh said "slipped my mind. It's part of my life I don't like to think over now, him and what he did to me" Lacey said as Leigh looked to her and smiled. She watched as Lacey walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water

"you don't look good are you sure that your okay?" Leigh asked as Lacey smiled.

Lacey knew that it was only going to be so long before the truth came out and that she was trying to hide how she was pregnant and she didn't know what to do
"I'm fine I'm just tired the court case took it out of me more than I like to admit" Lacey said as Leigh stood up and smiled as she walked over to her sister

"I know you have been through hell but it's all going to be okay. He's gone and he can't hurt you anymore. I promise" Lacey said as Leigh looked to her and smiled.

Lacey knew how bad she felt for the entire thing that was going on with Sami and knew that there was only so long that she could continue to keep it secret for

Lacey sighed to herself as she lay in bed. She rested a hand on her stomach and sighed.

Lacey knew that she needed to tell Leigh the truth and now that she was pregnant she couldn't keep going with the lies and secrets of it all. It was too much.

Lacey looked to her phone and saw calls off of Sami and sighed. Lacey knew that she couldn't continue with this lie for much longer especially knowing it wasn't just her to think about and that she needed to think of the baby but once the truth came out would her relationship with her sister be ruined for good knowing things would never be the same again

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