Chapter 6: In an Attempt to Fix it

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Chapter 6: In an Attempt to Fix it

Merlin had run from Arthur's room and hadn't stopped until he was standing outside the physician's door. He was out of breath and shaking as he entered. He sat down on one of the tables closest to the door as his legs gave way. He quickly covered his lips with the back of his hand in an attempt to stop them from quivering.

Gaius looked up from his book and as he laid his eyes on his friend he replied with shock "What happened to you now?" Merlin started to shake even more and was unable to reply, the only word that managed to escape his lips was "Arthur."

"Oh I see." Gaius commented as he rose from his stool and moved to the pot that was still on the fireplace. He knew that Arthur could get carried away but he could not understand why Merlin let it get to him. "Come now you must be hungry, I didn't have any time to make anything, but there is some leftover stew from last night." He continued as he set a bowl in front of Merlin and placed his hands on his wet shoulders and turned him around.

"After you're done eating go change into something dry and come back so I can rebadge your wound. And for goodness sake Merlin stop getting wet or the castle will find itself in a shortage of bandages before the day is out." Gaius stated as he turned his attention back to the page he was reading misinterpreting the situation completely.

Merlin stared at the food, he was sure he wouldn't be able to eat anything since his stomach was making catapults. He picked up the spoon anyways and took a bite. He didn't have the heart to correct Gaius and explain what had happened in Arthur's chambers. His stomach seemed to settle down as it remembered it was hungry so he ate in silence.

Finishing the food Merlin got up and went into his room shutting the door behind him, but not before murmuring a "thank you" to Gaius. After removing his wet clothes Merlin decided to change into his sleeping clothes. He wasn't about to risk dirtying another pair.

Merlin lay on his bed too tired to do anything else. He lay on his side and pulled his knees towards his chest and stared at the wall in front of him. His eyes filled up with tears that threatened to escape and run down his cheeks.

Everything that had just happened played across his mind. The memories were all jumbled up and he couldn't' wrap his thoughts around them fast enough. He grabbed the sides of his head as he continued to ponder on what had happened.

He remembered Arthur's body tightly pressed against his own, their lips glued together, and his hands as they moved inside Merlin's shirt caressing his back. Merlin remembered how they felt on his skin, hot yet demanding. He could still feel Arthur's lips pressed against his and the taste of his tongue. Running a finger across his own lips he felt they were hot and slightly swollen.

He turned on his back and then to his other side. He couldn't sleep. His body, though tired, was too hyped on the memories of what Arthur tasted and felt like. Blushing slightly as he remembered the heat and hardness between Arthur's legs as he had pressed against him. It was too much for Merlin to process so he left his room and decided to distract himself by figuring out what Gaius was researching.


Arthur was still standing in the bath unable to move long passed since the doors had closed behind his wet manservant. His mind was struggling with the fact that he had just kissed Merlin. Not to mention on the lips and not just that he had groped and rubbed himself against his thighs like a dog in heat. He stared down at himself and he groaned as he saw he was still hard.

Deciding that chasing after Merlin practically naked and with his current condition was not the best way to fix the mess he had just created. He sunk into the now almost cold water and finished his bath. He was still unable to cool himself down and with one final hesitation he moved his hand down into the water.

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