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"Akashi? What are you doing here?" I ask confused but he just comes in and sits on the sofa with his head in his hands.

"Kagami. I think I fucked up." He says so I sigh closing the door as the boys sit next to him trying to cheer him up as Aomine comes down sighing.

"Taiga. Can you make him something small." He says so I nod as he yawns sitting next to Akashi talking to him so I grab his breakfast setting it on the coffee table.

"Daiki. Eat. Akashi, do you want some coffee?" I ask so he nods looking up at me worried as Aomine pulls him into a hug so I go back to the kitchen making eggs on toast.

Time Skip

"So your saying your pregnant. Because of one drunk night, and you think Kuroko is as well?" I say so he nods looking down as I sigh pulling him onto my lap letting him curl up to me.

"Kagami. If this is true, can they stay here for awhile?" Aomine says getting up so I nod as he smiles at me softly kissing me before going back upstairs.

"Wh- why did he say they?" Akashi asks looking up at me but I just stroke his hair smiling softly at him as the boys curl up to us.

"Dad. Is uncle Ash going to be okay?" Tora asks so I nod making them smile hugging him.

"He's hopefully going to be staying here with uncle Kuroko for a while." I say so they start bouncing up and down as I smile at them.

Time Skip }6 months{ Aomine

"Akashi. Kuroko. Get back here right now." I yell making them freeze slowly turning back to me trying to act innocent.

"Riku, please go to daddy." Kagami says so he runs through to me so I pick him up still glaring at the two pregnant guys inching towards the door.

"How many times do we have to tell you. Stop giving the kids sweets before bed." I say disappointed so they look down upset but I just sigh walking up to them pulling Kuroko in to a hug as Kagami does the same with Akashi.

"Ka- Kagami. I need the bathroom." Akashi says before notice something running down his leg so I sigh.

"Taiga. Car now. Take them to hospital I'll drop the kids off with Dave." I say before Kuroko whimpers in my hold so I sigh saying "Forget that. Everyone in the car. Now."

Time Skip

"Thank you for helping James." I say smiling as I come back walking into the waiting room seeing them passed out curled up on top of each other.

"Babe. Akashi's dad should be here soon. Do you want to take them home while I wait here?" Kagami asks wrapping his arms around my waist softly kissing my neck.

"Let the kids sleep. We can drop James off if his roommate doesn't pick him up." I say grabbing his hands smiling before hearing someone clear their throat behind us.

"I see your doing well. Aomine." I hear Mr Akashi say behind us so I sigh putting on a smile before I turn to him to see him glaring slightly at us trying to hide it.

"Hello. Mr Akashi. Did you have a good trip?" Kagami asks smiling lightly at him so I kiss his cheek before going to wake up the kids.

"It was a wasted trip. But my son refuses to come home unless, I drag him back so, it can't be helped." I hear him say with a hint of anger before I get James awake.

"Taiga stop!" He yells as I hear a bang waking the kids so I look back to see Kagami glaring at Mr Akashi who's now sat on the floor holding his head.

"Kagami Taiga. Calm down." I yell but he just ignores me going to hit him again but I just move in the getting hit in the side shocking him.

"Fuck Daiki. I didn't... I'm so sorry..." He starts but I just slap him before pulling him into a hug sighing as Mr Akashi gets up glaring at him going to grab him but I just block him.

"Touch him and I'll make sure you spend more time in here than needed." I say so he walks away pissed off as I drag Kagami over to the kids.

"He wants to get rid of the kids. And split them up. He said they won't be able to see each other after this." He says so I nod softly kissing him.

"How about I go check up on them. And you say with our kids. Okay?" I say so he nods slightly before I leave going to the front desk.

Time Skip

"Mr Akashi. I suggest you leave the kids alone. You've already upset my husband about this. Do you really want to give your son a reason to kill you?" I say making him jump turning to glare at me so I just sigh moving next to him.

"This has nothing to do with you." He says going to grab the cable but I just grab his shoulder sighing as he shakes me off.

"It does seeing as right now I'm the primary caregiver. Until your son and his boyfriend are in suitable condition to take care of them." I say moving between him and the cases.

"Seijūrō. Is not ready to be a father. He doesn't even understand how to treat his fiancé. And instead goes off and fucks one of his old teammates." He says pissed off so I try to keep my calm.

"If you're not going to treat him like a son and accept who he loves and doesn't love. Then I don't think your bloodline or business will last very long." I say holding up the recorder putting it away when he tries to grab it.

"I'm pretty sure you understand by now what I want. So start by leaving the kids alone. And maybe ask your son what he wants. Or I'm sure the press are going to have a field day with this." I say smirking as he glares at me leaving.

Kuroko no basket ~ Kagami X AomineWhere stories live. Discover now