bonus chapter #2: you see those stars?

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author's note

welcome back! be prepared for a few more bonus chapters :) taking a break from writing new stories but i think it'll be a good idea to write about Jesse and Ava again in the meantime.


Ava's POV
High school senior year

Jesse sits on the end of his bed, his legs crossed and eyes locked on the television screen in front of him. I'm next to him, focusing on the intense basketball game that is airing. I'm not too familiar with all the players on the basketball team yet, but Jesse always tells me what's happening when my brows start to furrow with confusion from time to time.

But right now, it's Jesse's turn to frown. The team that we're supporting is losing by three, and there are only twenty seconds left. He starts tightening his grip on my hand.

The ball is in our team's.

"C'mon," Jesse mutters under his breath.

All eyes are on the player who has the ball. He tosses the ball into the air, and within a split second, another player catches it.

Except, it's a player from the opposite team. Jesse inhales a sharp breath.

The player has stolen the ball. We watch as he fleets through the court with strides, leaps into the air, and performs a dunk.

The crowd on the television erupts in joy, but there is no trait of happiness on Jesse's face at all.

He sighs with his eyes closed, clearly dissatisfied about the team's performance. "What the hell!" he exclaims.

Nudging him with my elbow, I say, "There's still time left." I know the chance of us winning is almost zero, but it sucks to see a kid being so pissed at a basketball game.

That seems to have effectively brought his attention back to the game. But just as we focus on the screen again, an opposite team member makes a three-pointer. We've lost by four. Half of the court cheers even more fervently, while the other half either deadpans or rages. Jesse joins the other half by putting his arms in the air.

"What was that? What- How?" he raises his voice, grimacing.

I stare at him, amused. I probably shouldn't be laughing, but the way he cares so much about one game really entertains me. What's even funnier is that he covers his face with his hands, leans backward and collapses onto his bed.

"They're so underwhelming I swear to God." His voice is muffled under his palms, referring to the team he supports which has just lost.

I finally let out a teasing laugh and lay down on the bed with him too. "It's just one game."

He turns his head to face me, our noses almost touching. The creases in between his brows smoothen. Despite still being visibly upset, his eyes soften. I feel his breath brush on my face.

"What," I ask. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I know so well that I make him feel better, but I still want to hear it from him.

"It's not just one game, babe, it's the conference semis." His face has turned into a pleading one, as if needing sympathy.

"It's impossible to always win, no?"

"But they never lose!" Words tumble out of his mouth. I know it's not true, but I decide not to argue with him at basketball games. He knows better, after all.

"What do I have to do to make you feel better, then?" My voice falls quiet.

He holds my eyes. Just as long as you exist, I hear from that gaze. He's told me that numerous times before, so I can understand it just by looking at him now.

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