Chapter 1

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"Akaacchi!!!!!" An excited blonde ran into the office where a stern looking fuchsia head sat at the desk looking through files. (Fuchsia is a shade of hot pink btw)

"What is it Kise?"

"Isn't this puppy just adorable?!?" Kise smiled happily holding a small dog with bored looking eyes.

Akaacchi, or his actual name Akaashi, looked at the puppy before his eyes widened from an odd feeling. What was it? Nostalgia? That can't be... He's never seen this dog...

"Let me see him Kise..."

How did he know it was male?

Looking at the collar, more puzzlement filled his mind. "Number Two?"

What an odd name...

"Aarrrgghhhh Kise you're so loud! I'm trying to take a n-what's that?"

A tanned guy stood by the doorway yawning before noticing Number Two. As if by instinct, he walked over and ruffled the pup's head before pulling back. Since when was he obsessed with dogs?

"Huh... Weird...."

Aomine looked at his hand with confusion. Why did he pet the dog like that? It wasn't a human.

Shaking his head, he gave his greetings to Akaashi before noticing something. The pup had something stuck in its collar.

"Hey Akaashi look-"

Leaning forward again, he pulled what looked like a sealed letter before handing it to the fuchsia head.

Opening it, Akaashi quickly read it with his unchanging poker face before quickly sitting up and picking up the phone, "get the other Miracles, I need to call Momoi for this."

Kise and Aomine immediately left to get the two other Miracles. If Momoi was needed, then it must've been important because she was only called whenever a deep information search was required.

Within the next ten minutes, Momoi was called in and both Midorima and Murasakibara were there too.

"Today's lucky item is a pair of scissors." Midorima said as he pushed his glasses higher up his nose and shook his hair. He was already in his outdoor wear with a search equipment like the others.

"I got snacks... You need to ask if you want them because they're mine..." Murasakibara said as he sat on the floor. He was the tallest and could easily hit the ceiling in Akaashi 's low ceiling office.

"We don't need snacks, we need to figure out what his letter means. I don't think I'm the only one but just look at it."

Akaashi held the letter out and a sharp headache immediately hit them as they looked. The handwriting was so familiar yet.. They have never seen it before.

"owwww?!!!!" whined Kise as he shook his head. He grabbed the letter and read out loud.

"To the Generation of Miracles, or now known as the Miracle Detectives, I have a request.

I wonder if I could be seen again by you and because I haven't given up, I have waited for years alone to be found.

So endulge me by finding me. I hope to see you soon.

In the place where we use to play,
Jumping high before becoming rotten,
A place filled with memories,
Now overgrown but not forgotten.

Yours truly... The Phantom. "

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Aomine grumbled as he looked towards Momoi. "What does it mean, where we use to play? We all met by coincidence when we were put into the same private detective branch."

Momoi looked puzzled before pulling out her laptop and started to type.

"Any ideas Momoi?"

Akaashi got up and leaned over to see the screen and was interested as Momoi pulled out a map of the surrounding parks.

"It said play so I'm assuming a leisure area..." she said as she got about a hundred locations.

"you can probably get rid of anything that's adult targeted like gyms and hot springs..."

"Don't be stupid Kise-"

"He's probably correct Aomine, Momoi do that. Zone in on kid targeted leisure spots."

"What? Akaashi! How did Kise figure that out?"

"Ao-chin... Fur lecher shed ushe to play"

"right... 'Use' probably meant the past so when we were kids... Wait! Don't talk with your mouth full Murasaki!!!"


"be quiet both of you, we're trying to figure out which isolated park we are going to"

"How do you know it's an isolated park Midorima?"

"it said jumping high so I assumed a wide space area for play and since it's for kids -"

"So a park! That's genius! But how do you know it's isolated?"

"the letter literally said overgrown Kise, if you were listening and didn't interrupt, I would have said so quicker."

Midorima sighed as he filed his nails, Aomine sat bored while Murasakibara ate snack.

"I think I got it!"

Momoi spun the screen around to show an overgrown park. It looked like just a normal field of flowers but the plants were all weeds. Not a single trace of human interaction could be seen.

"well let's go!" Kise jumped with excitement as he rushed to get into his shoes as Number Two barked happily.

"be safe!" waved Momoi as she pulled out a pair of glasses. It was time to get serious and pull out as much information as she could.

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