11. Bonding time

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Hunk, Lance and Keith had searched for what feelt like hours.

"The village isn't even big so how the heck have we not found them yet!? " Hunk was frustrated.

"Maybe they're looking for us to so they left the village. We can ask someone if they have seen them. " Lance said.

"Ok...Excuse me sir, have you seen a guy with black and white hair, about this tall, a metal arm?" Keith asked a man wearing a costume.

"No, sorry. " He kept on walking.

"Lance! " Keith heard Hunk from behind him.

Keith turned around and saw Lance passed out.

"What happened! " Keith asked obviously worried.

"He just passed out. "

"C'mon, lets get him out of here. "

"Hah, look how pathetic. "

"Are you gonna cry to mommy and daddy? Hahaha"

"Leave me alone... "

"What was that punk? "

"L...Leave me alone.. "

One punch to the nose,

"Please stop!"

One kick to the ribs,

"Ugly ass pig! "

One more crack on the heart..

"Lets go before a teacher comes. "

*sobs* *more sobs*

"Lance? What happened!? I'm taking you to mama. "

"I-I'm fine.. "

"Nice try. "



"Lance! "

"Lance wake up! " It was Keith.

".. Where am I?... " Lance asked confused.

"You're in the castle, you had a nightmare.. "

"W-what about Shiro? Did we fail? W-was it my fault? "

"Calm down Lance, we found them already. "

"O-oh... "

"You should rest. "


"Nope. This is a stress free zone. Ik it's hard but please relax. Think about something that makes you happy. "

"My family makes me happy.. "

"Tell me about them. "

"...Well I have three siblings. Veronica, Marco and Luis. Luis is the oldest. He lives with his wife, Lisa and two kids. Selena and Juan. Selena is 2 and Juan is 4. They're the sweetest. Then we have Veronica she's younger than Luis and older than me. She's also the most responsible. She would always take care of us. Saying things like "Remember your backpack! " Or "You need to do your homework!" She is in college right now. Then we have me. Not much to talk about. After me comes Marco, the youngest. He should start his third year in high school this year....I remember when we all used to go to the beach together as kids. Me and Luis always pranked Marco by throwing him in the water. Veronica used to scream at us to careful so he didn't drown. "

Keith layed down beside Lance on the bed. Lances heart was pounding.

"What about your parents? " Keith asked.

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