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Ezra and Sabine were captured by droids, they were escorted to the command bridge where they met kalani. "You!" Ezra yelled. "Nice to see you again." Kalani said. "Ezra you know that droid?" Sabine ask confused. "Yeah, General Kalani a super tactical droid me, Rex and Kannan found on their old ship." Ezra explain. "I thought things were okay now with us?" Ezra said. Kalani hit Ezra on the side of his face making him fall back. "Ezra!!!" Sabine yelled while trying to break her cuffs. "Take her to the detention hold but he will be in the interrogation room."  Both teens were separated and did not know what will happen to each other.

Ezra was in a empty room, and was laid across a table in the middle. The doors opened and kalani entered. "Whatever information you want out of me you won't get." Ezra said. "You misunderstand boy i do not care for your rebellion. The separatist used this citadel to capture, torture, and kill jedi." Ezra eyes widened as Kalani pressed a button and electronic shocks went throughout Ezra body and he was screaming in pain.

Sabine was thrown in a dark cell by herself. Sabine started banging on the door trying to get opened. She eventually stop and sat on a bench. Moments later Sabine could hear Ezra's screams of pain echo. "Ezra....." Sabine manager to say in a sob as tears went down her face, her best friend who she had strong feelings for was in pain and all she can do is listen.

After an hour, the doors opened in Sabine cell revealing two droid dragging Ezra in. They threw Ezra to the ground and he landed on his knees. When the droids left the room, Sabine ran up to Ezra and hugged him tight. "Ezra, are you okay? What happened?" Sabine ask while still hugging him. Ezra did not reply, Sabine then broke hug placed both hands on his shoulders. "Ezra?" Sabine ask again but Ezra only looked down and said nothing. Sabine decided to check him herself. She zipped down Ezra's orange jacket and to her suprise Ezra didn't try to stop her. What Sabine saw horrified her as she put her hands over her mouth, she saw scars old ones, new ones, and bruises allover him. Sabine then rubbed her fingers over every scar. She felt every scar he had, Sabine was angry at what happened to him, Ezra's pain is written on all the scars he has, Sabine felt nothing but anger and sorrows for Ezra.

"Some of the scars are from Lothal." Ezra finally said. "How?" Sabine ask. "From the Empire, bounty hunters, pirates.... Surviving." Ezra answered with tears filling his eyes from remembering all the things that happened when he lived on the streets.

Sabine now felt sadness for Ezra, she didn't mean to bring up his past life and talk about his scars. Sabine then hugged Ezra again to comfort him. "I'm sorry, Ezra i didn't mean to bring it up." Sabine said while she laid her head on his shoulder. Ezra hugged her back and said "It's okay." Sabine then put Ezra arm around her and helped him up to the bench.

"Did he tell why they're doing this?" Sabine ask concerning. "They didn't want to interrogate me they wanted to torture me." Ezra said. Sabine eyes widened in shock and ask "why, if they didn't want any information?" "Because I'm a jedi. Kalani told me this place was for to capture torture and kill jedi. They captured me and tortured me, wonder when they'll kill me." Ezra said with a sad face. Sabine was shocked at what Ezra said, she never heard Ezra talk like that before, she grabbed his hand and said "Hey, don't think like that Ez. The Ezra i know would try to say something funny to make the situation better, always looking on the bright side in things and always being their for me." Sabine had name three of many things she liked about Ezra and that made him smile, the two teens still holding hands stared at each other and smiling. "Sabine can i tell you something?" Ezra asked. "Yeah anything" Sabine said. Ezra paused for a moment and began "I-" but was cut off by the door opening and battle droids in front of them. "Move it prisoners" one of them said and they started to move.

Back on Yavin 4

"I knew that it would take long but this is far too long even for them" Hera said pacing back and forward in the common room of the Ghost with Kannan Zeb and Chopper. "Hera....." Zeb said trying to calm down Hera. "Something must have happened. They could be in trouble or captured, we have to go after them now." Hera said on her way to the copit. Kannan put his hands on Hera's shoulders and made her face him. "Hera, relax. I'll admit its taking them a while, but we have to remember this Ezra and Sabine we are talking about, they are very capable of handling themselves in any situation." Kannan said. "But what they are in danger and need our help." Hera said protesting that they should go. "Kannan right, Hera those two are the best fighters the rebellion has." Zeb said. "And besides, with those two fighing together nothing can hurt them." He added. Chopper beeped in agreement with the lassat. "And if any does happen they'll contact us for help." Kannan said Hera sighed and said "Okay i hope your right."

Trapped on Lola Sayu. (Ezra and Sabine fanfic story)Where stories live. Discover now