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Even though their assignment had only just begun, conflict had already found them, and it was ever so unfortunate, especially for the captain. Toshiro felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and it was slowly but surely making it's way forward. He wished for the pain to stay minimal, but he wasn't so lucky. It was when they exited the Senkaimon that the throbbing worstened, and the source became all the more evident.

"What did you just say Yumichika?! Do you want me to rip those feathers off your face?!"

"How dare you threaten my feathers! You're just jealous because they look better on me than anything does on you!"

"That's it- You asked for it now!"

Ikkaku was thankfully just minding his own business, rather than joining in their petty argument. However, it was also a bit of a bother that he didn't at least attempt to stop them.

"Captain Hitsugaya, are you going to let him talk to me like that??" Rangiku pointed to her temporary enemy, pleading with her eyes that he'd do something.

"The two of you have managed to give me a headache. Need I remind you that we're here on important business?" Toshiro was annoyed to a degree, but he was also used to that. Disregarding the whines from his lieutenant, he surveyed the area, and began slowly walking. They'd been told about a strange spiritual energy appearing, but so far, the young captain wasn't sensing anything of the sort. He wasn't even sure what it was they were looking for. A hollow? A person? Or perhaps it was some other creature they weren't familiar with.

"Listen up you three. This is not a field trip. Keep your eyes peeled, and if you feel any kind of-"

"Yeah we know already, look out for weird sightings or spiritual pressure. Really Captain Hitsugaya, you worry too much." Yumichika had finally decided to stop bickering with the lieutenant, flipping his hair once, to so-called perfection, and resting his opposite hand on his hip. "Just because Rangiku doesn't take her job seriously doesn't mean that the rest of us are slackers too."

Naturally, him saying that got a rise out of her, a frustrated sound coming from the lieutenant as she directed a glare at him. "Shut up already, even I'm starting to get annoyed." Ikkaku rubbed the back of his head and took a glance around. "So what are we fighting anyway? I thought we were gonna deal with some big problem."

"Just be patient." The four of them were on the outskirts of Karakura Town, in an area where there weren't very many people. The skies were clear, and as far as they could see, it was peaceful.

"So far, everything seems to be alright." Toshiro stopped walking, and turned to the other three accompanying him. "We'll split up, and patrol this area. Meet back here in two hours." Without him having to say anything more, Rangiku, Ikkaku, and Yumichika left him, to begin their patrol on different parts of the town.


I believe it's safe to assume, they got distracted.

He wasn't sure what he could have expected. Of course they strayed from his orders. Captain Hitsugaya walked, arms folded in the sleeves of his shihakusho as he walked through the fairly busy streets of Karakura town. In his soul form, no one could see him. It was quite convenient, especially in times like this. Even in the two hours they'd been given, not a single odd occurrence had shown itself.

Well, nothing aside from that.

Perhaps he was just being overly cautious, but for some time now, a small dog had been following Toshiro on his stroll. A normal person would likely have stopped, examined the animal. However, by it's appearance, the dog was in perfect health, not to mention it wore a collar around it's neck.

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