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'He's nothing but a little kid, how did he become a captain?'
             'He's like a prodigy or something I think.'

'So what? He doesn't know everything in the world? He's not even half my height.'

'Is he actually all that strong?'

      'I could probably punt him like a football if I wanted to.'

"It's completely natural for some of you to think in such a way. I fully accept the feelings of all my subordinates, whether those feelings are pleasant or not."

'The guy's too strict! He might kill me with work!'

'He's gotta be the least fun captain of the thirteen court guard squads.'

'Man, does he ever just calm down?'

"I've taken all of your opinions into consideration. I'm doing what I can to be a successful captain."

'He only cares about himself.'

'He has his title, now he thinks he can just walk all over us.'

"...I can assure you, that isn't the case, I care very much for all of you..Do none of you see that?"
"Head Captain Yamamoto. You wished to see us?" Toshiro was knelt down on hard wood, bowing his head respectfully in the presence of his superior.

A Hell Butterfly had been sent to fetch him, to notify the miniature Captain of an emergency summons. It was a rare occasion, to be called upon directly by the head captain himself. In his company was his lieutenant, Rangiku, along with Ikkaku and Yumichika, from squad eleven.

"Captain Hitsugaya. There is a great danger that threatens the world of the living. It has been reported to me that strange spiritual pressure has been doing harm to those who dwell among the humans." 

Yamamoto closed his eyes, thinking in depth about the situation at hand. He supposed there were other captains who would be up for the job; however, even though he was quite young, Hitsugaya was always efficient with his work. He certainly wouldn't disappoint. 

"You will lead this small team there. Discover the source of the spiritual pressure there, and report back here as soon as possible."

Toshiro raised his head to meet the eyes of the head captain, an unwavering look of determination on his face. 

"Understood. We'll depart immediately." He rose to his feet, and turned to face the three soul reapers accompanying him.
"You three, gather whatever it is you may need, and report to the Senkaimon."

"Yes Captain." 

With that, the three of them vanished, and Toshiro simply departed the head captain's presence, walking briskly from the room to prepare himself for their apparently urgent endeavor.

Within about ten minutes, all four soul reapers were gathered by the Senkaimon, along with a few others of lower rank, who were only there to straggle or bid them a safe departure.

"Captain Hitsugaya!" Shuuhei was approaching the group, carrying a small black box. It was quite small, and definitely unfamiliar. The lieutenant stopped in front of the white haired captain, holding the box out to him.

"This is a medicine being issued by squad twelve. It's required that all captains take it before engaging with enemy combatants in the world of the living."

Squad twelve? That means this is a product of Captain Kurotsuchi.

Toshiro's eyes fell briefly to the box being presented to him, before returning to meet the gaze of the lieutenant. "This is an order given by who, exactly? Since when?"
He didn't want to question his orders, but he would rather be safe than sorry. He didn't want to fall victim to one of Kurotsuchi's experiments.

"It's an order directly from the head captain, as of yesterday evening, sir."

Rangiku stood beside Toshiro, her arms folded neatly under her bust as she witnessed the amusing exchange. Amusing, because she could see the subtle yet clear shift in her captain's expression. The strawberry blonde knew practically everything about him; his distaste for the heat, his love for candied beans, and his rebellious nature when it came to ingesting any kind of medicinal substance.

The woman hummed, swiftly taking the box from Shuuhei and winking at him. "Forgive his hesitation, little Shiro here doesn't like taking his medicine. He may be a captain, but he's as stubborn as a little boy sometimes~"

"It's Captain Hitsugaya! And I am not a little kid! How many times must I reminmmphf-"

Rangiku pulled the young man into her bosom, promptly suffocating him, unintentionally of course. He seemed to be the only man who was immune to her feminine charm. Shuuhei was probably jealous. "Don't worry, I promise I'll make him take it." She said with a soft giggle.

She seriously loves disrespecting me all the time, doesn't she? Is it a hobby of hers now??

This behavior from her was nothing out of the ordinary. She was a slacker. She annoyed him to no end, never showed up to the office on time, always went out drinking, teased and insulted him on a daily basis, and almost never addressed him properly. It was like he had no authority with her.

Perhaps that was the reason so many others thought it was okay to behave so informally with him. He took his job seriously, as he did the lives of his comrades. He didn't want to lose anyone, and it was easier to keep that from happening if they didn't dawdle.

On that note, the miniature captain managed to free himself from his lieutenant's hold, letting out an irritated huff before stepping toward the gate, and closing his eyes. "Let's go."

He entered the Senkaimon, and after him, his squad soon trailed behind.
They were off, to the world of the living.


A/N - Welp, that's the first chapter, I'm honestly not sure how far this is gonna get but I'm hoping for this story to be at least alright. :'D Until next time!


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