Chapter 5

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What better way to appease you than with a double update? lol

Next one will be up by next Tuesday, probably at midnight. Really hope you like this one too. Let me know what you think in the comments section and don't forget to vote and share.

Without further ado, on to the chapter.

The sound of the crashing waves was heavenly, a sonorous tribute to the beauty that was all around. A lovely crescent moon hung buoyantly from the black velvety skies and the tops of the lofty coconut trees, crowned with just a hint of silver, swayed gently as if mesmerized by nature's melody. The coolness of the sand felt wonderful beneath her feet and the gentle breezes that touched Lillian's cheeks molded the thin white dress to her body and paid excellent tribute to her slender yet full feminine form.

He was waiting. She knew that he was sitting somewhere out on the soft white sands waiting for her. She could sense his presence and a powerful sense of joy mixed with anticipation took firm hold of her for she knew that he could sense her also. That was how it had been from the first moment they beheld each other and now they were like one entity, one being, two halves that could never again exist unless coexisting. She saw his silhouette after a few seconds and stopped, happy, almost complete. She couldn't see his face but she knew the expression that he bore and it made her dizzy with her want of him. She found his arms, he crushed her body to him and wordlessly he took her lips and tasted of her sweetness, marveling at the sheer ecstasy that gripped him every time he touched her. As usual, his kisses took her to the edge of sanity and she lost herself in the wonder of it, holding on to him, loving him and feeling his being flow into her.

Softly they whispered words of love to each other between heated, hungry kisses and he worshipped her body with his eager lips and his caressing hands as they both sank to the soft sands, the elements of nature watching over them as they made love.

More than a hundred and fifty years later a bewildered Ras Marcus sat gazing out at the powerful waves that had always held a sort of magnetism over him. He was a believer in the might of the elements, a man who had grown up respecting all life and the belief that life could triumph over any weapon formed against it. Growing up in Bluefields and with his grandmother, who local folk claimed had been a clairvoyant of sorts, he had seen and heard of some pretty amazing things that the ordinary man would not believe should he choose to reveal them. Even with that background, however, he had been unprepared for the sight of the young woman who came down to the beach today. She had just calmly appeared, like a beautiful spectre with that faraway look in her eyes and had taken him back to a place he hadn't been in years and to one of the most frightful days of his entire existence.

It had happened over thirty years ago when he was but a boy of ten. His class teacher had taken the class on a field trip to the Bluefields estate to get them in touch with their past and to teach them about plantation life and pre- emancipation Jamaica. As usual the adventurous streak in him had made him wander off and soon he found himself alone with only the distant sound of his class mates' voices echoing in the huge house to make him feel as if he wasn't alone. The great big door that hadn't seemed like a door had just opened up like magic in the wall of the downstairs cellar and he gazed fascinated into a room so beautiful it seemed enchanted. But it wasn't just the opulent furniture that made the room seem so regal. It was, in essence, one single item that brought the space to life. A huge oil painting on the wall of two young people holding hands on the beach: a white man whose dressing made him seem as if he had come out the pages of a history book and a beautiful black woman who wore a simple white dress that only enhanced her dark regal beauty and made her seem unearthly somehow.

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