Chapter 4

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"What's the matter Lil?" Vincent asked quickly and he had to swear under his breath as the car, due to his concern for her, almost veered to the other side of the road. There was a loud screech of brakes, blaring car horns and an even louder angry voice telling Vincent something lewd about his mother. He pulled over on to the soft shoulder, his hands trembling almost as much as hers.

"O.K, What's up with you Lillian?" he asked frowning deeply. "You've been acting weird since this morning, you spaced out on me after we left the church and now you act as if you've seen a ghost." His voice was full of the concern he was feeling as well as the terror of the near fatal collision. A quick thought entered his head and he lowered his voice, speaking softly. "Are you in some sort of trouble at the gallery?"

He had never known her to be irresponsible in any way but something had to be wrong and as far as he knew there was no man in her life so she couldn't be having any relationship issues. The other workers claimed she was married to the gallery and in essence they were right; the perfect anachronism of stunning feminine beauty and introvertedness. That she was a bit of a recluse didn't help her love life either. She had called it a day with her college boyfriend just two months after she started working at the gallery saying that she had grown wary of their long distance relationship. Something had told him then that it had been more than just distance that had propelled her to end it but Vincent had never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth. She was special, rare, if not a mite odd at times, and only a man such as himself, who had a deep appreciation for rarities, could truly appreciate her. Whatever problem she was experiencing he would make it disappear; the gallant knight rescuing the proverbial damsel in distress. As usual, the idea appealed to him intensely and he reached for her hand as she gave him a wan smile.

"No trouble at the gallery Vin." She said at last, fighting for calm. "Just something important I forgot to do for someone... it will be all right...I'm sorry" It was all she could do to reign in her excitement and she longed for some solitude to reflect on all that was happening to her. Vincent wouldn't believe her if she confided in him, no one would. She had had a strange dream about a dead man who had literally stepped out of a nineteenth century painting claiming to be her lover. What would Vincent think now, seated beside her in the car, if she told him that she had found in her handbag the very object Richard Hawthorne had given her the night before in her dream? And what would he say if she told him how complete and fulfilled she had felt in his arms? She pretended not to see him studying her now with intense curiosity; probably wondering, she thought, if she was going crazy. Calmly she put back the key and tried to act as if she had not just nearly cost them their lives.

For Vincent the terse explanation only piqued his curiosity more but he knew that he would be the first person she would run to for assistance when the time came. He had earned that right. Slightly intrigued he watched her put back whatever it was that had upset her, heaving a huge sigh in the process.

"It's really a shame to leave this old town without having a good tour isn't it Vincent?" she asked as he moved his hand to the gear shift. "After all it's the weekend...can't we find a place to stay until early tomorrow morning?"

She was weaving her magic on him, knowing he wouldn't...couldn't say no to her suggestion. Her face was a mask of innocence and he smiled and gazed at her for a while, lost in whatever it was that made the moment so special for him. "I'm for anything you say Lil." Was his light reply "As a matter of fact I think it is an excellent idea." She gave him a wide smile and leant back comfortably in the seat. Whatever she was up to the ball was in her court. He chuckled in utter resignation and made a quick u-turn. The ball, as it were, would always be in her court.

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