fangoria and coffee stains

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note: i haven't written in a long time. i'm sorry. but, i was just lying in bed thinking; "i wonder how all the people who use fanfiction to fall asleep are doing?". i felt a little bit bad. i need to start writing you more stuff. hope you all get to sleep okay

warnings: very short probably badly written, i can make another part if you want me to. also feel free to request whatever u want as long as it's not teacher/student or mafia. thank you

"...with ice and soya milk." you relaxed all your muscles after you finished your order. "please." the dark haired man behind the counter smirked. "i see you everyday, and you're still nervous to talk to me?" he asked, while grabbing a cup and putting it under the coffee machine. "i guess! it's cuz you're so cool, and laid back, i'm jealous." you mumbled while scuffing the floor with the toe of your converse, your cold hands stuffed into the pockets of your jacket. "you are too," he said, his raspy voice squeaking a bit as he added a last splash of milk to your drink. "and it's the highlight of my day getting to have these dumb conversations with you." he popped the lid of your drink on, and handed you a straw. "thanks gerard.".

the next day, you bounded towards the door of your favourite coffee shop, grasping the door and pulling it wide open, being enveloped by the warm air inside. knowing just who you were about to come face to face with, you braced yourself with excitement. "good morning y/n," gerard harped from behind the counter. your eyes moved to his face and you noticed the usual unkempt mop looked different than usual. "you dyed your hair?!" the very few others in the coffee shop turned to look at what you screamed over, but you didn't care. gerards new hair had all of your attention. "you like it?" nervously he played with the tufts at the side of his head. unable to hold yourself back, you reached forward and started ruffling his hair, in awe at how soft it felt. "it looks incredible! and you just did it yourself?" gerard let out an embarrassed forced laugh, "me and a couple of my friends did it. we all did, we're kinda in a band and it's totally nerdy but-"  "you're kidding? right?". the look on gerards face as he glared at you said otherwise. "just grab coffees for both of us and let's sit down, i don't care what your boss says.". finally. after months of coming in to see gerard everyday, you managed to ask him to TALK to you. not just a quick conversation. you were amazed at how it had just come out of your mouth, like it wasn't even you talking. but you were insanely thankful that it happened.

"you've never read fangoria?" gerard said in disbelief. "no! never, i've never even set EYES on the thing." he tutted and took a sip of his coffee, that was starting to go cold as he'd spent all his time yammering on to you about the most interesting things. "you'll have to  come over to my place one time. i have like, every copy of fangoria ever to exist." the way gerard spoke was so entrancing, he had certain mannerisms, like fiddling with things as he spoke that just drew you to him. he was admittedly, insanely attractive.  "well, i'm free tomorrow?" your cheeks flushed red. "i just so happen to be too." you scrawled your number down on the cardboard sleeve of your coffee cup and handed it to gerard. "call me later, or i'll kill you." he took the cardboard and stuffed it into his back pocket. "gotcha."

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