cuddles 'n kisses

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note: i picture both you and gerard being 17/18 in this story, and that it's set in the early 2000s :')

there is barely enough room in a twin bed for ONE person, let alone two. yet, you and gerard still insisted on both squishing into his tiny bed. it was the best place in his bedroom for watching movies. it was as close as you could physically get to his tv without having your nose pressed up against the glass. plus, it was perfect for cuddling. your back was flush with gerards chest, his arm around your waist, and you plopped in between his legs. "this is the best bit, baby." he said biting his lip with excitement. lightsabers clashed on screen. you giggled at how unapologetically nerdy he was. you watched along with him, fully absorbed in the movie. the movie went on, and slowly the hum of the tv and gerards occasional comments became background noise as your eyes fluttered shut.

on the brink of sleep, you felt gerard moving behind you, waking you from your almost-slumber. "shhh, it's okay." he whispered while palming your forehead. without a word, you pulled the duvet cover tighter around your body and slumped deeper into the mattress. he started combing his fingers through your hair. "you fell asleep just before it finished again." gerard said with a smile lacing his tone. "i wasn't asleep. my eyes were just resting." you continued to rest your eyes. "uh huh," he chuckled. "i was hoping we could have some 'us' time, love"
"this isn't 'us time'?"
"you want me to explain it to you?"
laughing at him being the horny teenage boy he was, you squeezed his thigh affectionately.
"thanks for the offer but no. you know what you could do though?"
"what?" he sounded genuinely intrigued.
"kiss me."
gerard leaned down and gave you a peck on the lips, along with gentle kisses on the corners of your mouth. untucking you're arms from under the blanket, you placed them on the sides of his head, stroking his jawline ever so slightly. "again." he couldn't resist your glazed eyes, and he connected your lips once more, this time for a little longer than the last.
"i love you." gerard breathed against your skin. "i love you too."

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