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It was the next day and today I was gonna hang out with Andrea! I was so excited because I haven't hung out with her in forever! So I went to the bathroom and turn on my curling iron. I started to curl my hair than I moved on to my make up. Soon I was done and I went to go pick my favorite outfit ( shown in the picture ) I was done than I got my keys , I walked downstairs.
"Good morning " I smiled
"Hi sweetie " my mom says
"I'm gonna hang out with Andrea is that okay ? " I ask
"Of course! " My mom says
"Okay I'm gonna leave right now so I love you. " I said kissing her cheek
"I love you too." She says I hugged her than I went to my car. I drove to her house and knocked on the door
"NATALIE " she yelled and attacked me I laugh and hugged back
"Andrea! " I yelled. She let go and she let me in
"Let me get my stuff than we can leave. " She says
"Okay " I said with a smile, she got her stuff than we left.
"So how are you and Myles " she asks
"We are good but he got me annoyed yesterday " I said
"Awe why ? " She asks
"Because I was hanging out with Madison Pettis yesterday and she wanted to hang out with the guys. So we went to go hang out with them, but Myles only talked to her and then when she left, Myles just went upstairs. " I said
"Wow " Andrea says, I nod
"Anyways lets not talk about guys for today " I smiled
"Okay sounds good. " She smiles and we drove to Apple bees. They sat us down and me and Andrea talked . * 30 minutes later * we were done and we payed than we left. We drove to the outside mall.
"Are you having a new year party ? " I ask
"No " Andrea says
"Well Taylor invited me to his New year party , wanna come with me ? " I ask
"Sure " Andrea smiles
"Okay. " I smiled , we talked and some fans came up to us
"Oh my gosh! My favorite YouTuber are hanging out together " the girl says, we smiled
"Can I have a picture with you guys. " She asks
"Of course " we smiled she gave her phone to her mom and we toke the picture. She started to cry
"Awe don't cry " I said pulling her into a hug.
"I just really love you guys " she cries
"We love you too " Andrea smiles . She pulls away from the hug
"Come on sweetie " her mom says
"Okay bye guys " she says
"Bye sweetie " we smiled, she left and we started to walk
"She was a cutie " Andrea says
"Yeah she was " I said, we walk in some stores. Than we wanted lunch so we just went to the food court and we got pizza. My phone rang and it was Myles, I didn't answer because I was with Andrea.

~Myles POV ~ I watch as Madison was doing her photo shoot. She looked so beautiful, she came up to me
"Hey do you want anything " Madison asks with a smile
"No thanks, I'm good " I smiled
"Okay. I promise Im almost done " she says
"Okay " I smiled, she smiled back and she went back to the photo shoot. I check my phone seeing if Natalie answer the text but she didn't. I sigh * 30 minutes later * Madison was done and we headed out.
"Are you hungry. " She asks
"A little . " I said
"Wanna get chipotle " she asks
"Yes please " I said she smiles and we went to chipotle. We got in line
"So how's Natalie ? " Madison asks
"I don't know " I sigh
"I thought she was living with you ? " She asks
"She is but she just went to her moms house yesterday " I said
"Oh" Madison says
"Yeah " I sigh , we were next and we got the food. We sat down and ate. Than we went to the mall. My phone rang, it was Kalin
"Yo " I said
"Aye where are you ? " He asks
"With Madison. " I said
"Dude what the hell " Kalin says
"Relax we aren't doing anything. " I said
"Dude I swear you cheat on my sister. I'm gonna kill you " Kalin says
"Relax we are just walking around the mall. " I said
"Whatever dude. " Kalin says
"Why did you call anyways ? " I ask
"Because I wanted to know has Natalie call you. " Kalin says
"Nah. I think she is with her friends " I said
"Alright dude, I mean it don't do anything stupid " Kalin says
"I wont " I said
"Bye " Kalin says
"Bye " I said and I hang up. We walked around, fans came up to me
"myles where's Natalie ? " A girl asks
"With her brother " I lied
"Why aren't you hanging out with them than ? " She asks "
"Because it was a brother and sister day " I lied
"But why is she here ? " She says pointing at Madison
"Because she is a friend of mine " I said
"Sure... " The fan says
"Anyways we better go. " I said
"Bye tell Natalie I love her " She says
"Okay " I said we walked away
"Damn " Madison says I nod. I bump into Kian
"Hey bro " Kian says
"Hey " I said we did the bro hand shank
"Where's my best friend ? " Kian asks
"She is with Kalin " I said
"Oh alright, tell her to text me. "Kian says
"Alright I will " I said we did the bro hand shank and he left. We shop around

Brothers best friend (Myles parrish )Where stories live. Discover now