Hanging out with Madison pettis!

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Today I was gonna hang out with Madison! I was so excited because I haven't talked to her since her birthday party when Kalin and Myles were gonna perform for her. Right now I'm getting ready, I just had to get on my shoes and my bag. She knocked on the door
"Babe can you get it " I asks
"Yeah " Myles says, he went to go get it. Soon I walked down
"Oh my god hey! " Madison says pulling me into a hug
"Hey " I smiled and I hugged back. She pulled away
"Ready to go " She smiles
"Yeah let me say bye to Myles " I said
"Okay I will be waiting in the car " she smiles
"Okay." I said
"Bye myles " Madison says
"Bye " he smiles, she walked to the car . Myles wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his neck
"I love you " He smiles
"I love you too " I smiled, he leans in and kisses me. I kissed back and he pulls away
"I will see you later " He says
"Okay " I said, he let go of me and smacks my butt
"Love you. " He smirks
"Love you too " I smiled I walk to the car
"Ready ? " She smiles
"Yes girl " I smiled she laughs and drives off
"Are you hungry ? " She asks
"Yeah are you " I ask
"Yeah " she says we drove to a restaurant. * 20 minutes later * we were done and we just walked around the shops.
"So how are you and Myles ? " Madison asks
"We are good! We had our ups and downs but we are good. " I smiled
"That's good. " She says I nod and we catch up. Than we went to the mall and some fans came up to me and asks for pictures. Than we shop around , till we bumped into Sammy wilkinson.
"Hey " I smiled
"Hey! No time no see " Sammy says
"Right! " I said
"I missed you " Sammy says
"I miss you too! " I said he gave me a hug
"Oh this is my friend Madison " I smiled
"Hey" He smiles
"Hi " Madison blushes
"Alright I better go, I will talk to you later " Sammy says
"Totally. " I smiled
"Bye girls " He smiled
"Bye " we said he walked away
"He's cute! " Madison says
"Yeah, I kinda had a crush on him when I first meet him . " I blushed
"Do you still ? " Madison asks
"No girl. The only boy I have a crush on is Myles " I smiled
"Ooo " Madison says we laugh . We went to forever 21 and other stores. Than we went to the photo booth and we toke pictures than we went to the movies.

~Myles Pov ~ I was with the guys till We saw Lycia
"Bro I swear she is like a stalker when Natalie isn't around " I said they laugh. She came up to us and I got out my phone and started to text Natalie.
"Hey guys " She says
"Hey " they said
"How you guys been ? " She asks
"Good but we gotta go " Kalin says, we left and we ran out of the store. I started to laugh
"Oh my god. " I laugh they all laugh too. We drove to In and Out, Some fans came up to us
"Myles where's Natalie " one of them ask
"She is with her friend. " I smiled
"Can you give this to her please" she asks "
"Of course. She will love it " I smiled
"Thank you " She says and hugs me , I hugged back and she left. We toke picture with the others than we went inside
"Guys, Madison gotten so hot " I said Kalin smack my head
"You have a girlfriend and it's my sister " Kalin says
"Sorry but it's true! " I said
"Myles shut up! " The boys says
"Okay okay! " I said , we ordered the food than we sat down out side. We talked till the guy called us to get the food. We started to eat till Natalie called me
"Oo girlfriend is calling " Cam says , they all laugh.
"Hello " I said
"Hi baby " Natalie says
"Hey beautiful " I smiled, The guys were making kissy faces.
"What's up " She asks
"Nothing me and the guys are at in and out " I said
"Oh that's cool. " She says
"Yeah how about you " I ask
"Nothing much, Me and Madison just finished watching a movie " She says
"Oh that's cool " I said
"Yeah but hey I gotta go. " Natalie says
"Alright I love you " I said
"Love you too " she says
"Bye babe " I said
"Bye handsome " She says and we hang up. We talked than we went to the mall.

~My POV ~ we bumped into Andrea
"Girl I miss you " Andrea says
"I miss you too! " I said
"Wanna hang out tomorrow ? " She asks
"Of course! I miss my sista." I smiled
"Alright. I miss my Sista too " Andrea says, we hugged and she left.
"What should we do now ? " I asks
"I don't know , wanna meet up with the boys " She asks
"Yeah sure let me call them " I said, I called Kalin and he says that he was at the mall. So we drove to the mall and we went to go look for them. We found them at the vans store
"Hey " I smiled
"Hey " they said, Cam, Jake , Ryan came and gave me a hug and than Kalin gave me a hug. Myles was talking to Madison,
" I miss you best friend " Ryan says
"I miss you too " I smiled we all walked around , I was in the middle of Cam and Ryan and Myles was talking to Madison.
"Wanna piggy bank ride " Cam asks with a smile
"Sure " I giggled, he bend down and I hop on his back. He ran past Madison and Myles. I giggled and he spins me around. People were looking at us weird, but I didn't care at all. Cam came back to the people
"Yo your light. " Cam says
"Thank you." I laugh, he put me down. We drove to the house, I went with the boys and Myles went with Madison. We turn on the radio and 'Blame ' was on
"Don't blame on me! Blame it on the night! " We sang than we started to dance. I got out my phone and toke a picture with Cam. Cam put his hands on my face, and he messed up my hair
"Awe you look pretty like that " he joked
"Wow thanks cam " I laugh we got to the house
"I will race you " Cam says
"Bring it " I said we ran to the door and I got there first
"Damn a girl can beat you " Kalin laughs
"Shut up I let her win! " Cam says
"Sure " Kalin laughs , Myles opens the door and we walked in . Jake went to turn on the music, and ' New flame ' was on. Me , Cam , Kalin, Ryan and Jake started to dance. I laugh because Jake started to brake dance
"Go Jake " we says, Cam and I burst out laughing. I turn around to see if Myles was looking but He was outside with Madison , I sigh and looked back at Jake. Than Cam went and he was actually pretty good at dancing
"Go cam! " I yelled he came and twirl me around
"Oo " everyone says, than laugh than Jake put on 'Tuesday' on. That's when everyone danced. I went to go get a water, Kalin came in the kitchen
"What do you think they are talking about ? " He asks
"I don't know " I sigh he nod and we went back to the living room. Jake put on '2 on ' Kalin started to twerk
"Oh my god " I laugh and I got my phone out and record it. I put it on Instagram : what is wrong with my brother 😂😳 @kalinwhite . Myles and Madison came back in. I looked at them
"Hey Madison and I are gotta go to the park " Myles says, Kalin looked at him.
"Alright. " Kalin says than they left, I lean my head on Cam shoulder . We watch Kalin and Jake had a dance off than Ryan came into the dance off. Me and Cam laugh than we joyed them.

~Myles POV ~ Madison and I were walking around the park. We were just talking, chatting up. Than we went to the house and we saw Kalin and Natalie having a dance battle .
"I should probably get going I have a busy day tomorrow. " Madison says
"Okay, if you get done early wanna hang out ? " I ask
"Yeah I would love too " She smiles
"Alright cool. " I smiled we hugged than she left. I went up to my room and smiled .

~My POV ~ Everyone looked at me
"What he isn't my problem " I said
"Yes he is, he is your boyfriend " Kalin says
"So ? He is to busy talking to Madison I bet that he forgot that I was his girlfriend " I said
"That's not true, he isn't like that. " Cam says
"Whatever" I sigh we talked
"I'm gonna stay with momma today " I said
"Do you want me to stay here ? " Kalin asks
"If you want, I'm gonna go pack my stuff " I said, they nod and I slowly went upstairs, I walked into the room
"Hey gorgeous " Myles says
"Hey " I said getting my backpack
"Where you going " He asks
"To my moms house " I said
"Your gonna leave me here all alone " myles says
"Yeah "I said
"Baby " he whines getting up and wrap his arms around me
"Myles I live with you, I just want to see my mom " I said annoyed
"Damn babe what's the matter " myles says
"Nothing" I said
"Whatever babe" Myles says I got my changer and keys than I went to go say bye to the guys. Than I drove home
"Hey mama " I said
"Hi sweetie you okay ? " My mom asks
"I'm just annoyed with myles" I said
"Wanna talk about it ? " She asks
"Um no thanks, I'm pretty sleepy " I said
"Alright love you " she says
"I love you too " I said , I went upstairs and unpack my stuff.

~Myles POV ~ I walked down to the guys
"Yo what's up with Natalie " I asks
"Nothing bro. Don't worry about it " Kalin says
"I have to worry about it, she is my girlfriend " I said
"Oh really ? Cause you didn't seem like she was your girlfriend earlier. " Cam says
"What did I do now ? " I ask
"Your so stupid I'm gonna leave " Cam says, he walked out.
"Do you ever care about Natalie's feelings ? " Jake asks
"Of course " I said
"You didn't seem like it today " Jake says I rolled my eyes and I went upstairs. I called Madison
"Hey " she says
"Hey can I hang out with you tomorrow ? The guys and Natalie are mad at me for some reason " I said
"Of course you can, I will pick you up " Madison says
"Alright cool. " I said
"Okay see you tomorrow " Madison says
"Okay bye " I said
"Bye " she says. I got on my sweatpants and I went to go brush my teeth. Than I toke off my shirt and I fell asleep.

~my POV ~ I was texting Andrea for what's the plan tomorrow. My mom knocked on my door
"Yeah mom " I said
"I'm gonna go to sleep. " She says
"Okay " I smiled
"Love you sweetie, don't be up late " she smiles kissing my forehead
"I won't " i smiled
"Okay love you " she says again
"Love you too " I said and she walked out and she closes my door. I went on Twitter and twitted out : gonna hang out with Andrea tomorrow ❤️. I went to go brush my teeth and I went to put on pjs. Than I turn on netfilx. I put my phone on the changer than I turn off my lights and soon I fell asleep.

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