chapter 2

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I clawed desperately at the manacles keeping in this dark, terrifying, evil van but it was no use. I was trapped. I had been in this van with no powers for hours or days, I didn't know. When the van finally stopped,I was weak and trembling from fear, cold and hunger because I had not eaten since my party. I knew my parents and my family would be seething, murderous and fuming over my disappearance and were currently doing everything possible to get me back and i was praying to the cauldron they would find me soon because i was pertified and had never been so scared before in my life.

Suddenly, the iron doors burst open and light and fresh air flooded into the van and i gasped as i realized i was not in the night court anymore and i was in the awful, terrifying spring court as the overwhelming scent of roses hit me. i started thrashing with all my feeble strength to get out and run until my lungs collapse, run i told myself, run until you die, don't let them catch me, run. i was sobbing and trying to brake free but the manacles and chains would not yield and i was trapped and i could not get out. I was screeching as loud as a banshee when the hateful, seething, Tamlin appeared before me and i yelled threats and swore at him while he stood there calmly waiting for me to stop and when i did he said "You will regret that Esma" and i looked at him with alarm, overwhelming anxiety while tremors shook my weak, human body and i cried silently as he unlocked the chains keeping me locked in the hateful van and stabbed my neck with a needle and i cryed out in terror as blackness swallowed me up.

I awoke and an awful stench of rotting meat hit me as i gagged and tried to get up off the dirty floor when i saw i was held by iron chains to the wall. i started sobbing from desperation and clawed at the manacles in a panic until i was bleeding and was scratched raw when Tamlin strolled in as if he had all the time in the world and aggressively grasped my neck, i gasped for air clawing at his strong arms but it was no use and the he released me just before i blacked out and i fell onto the floor and i tried not to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry but failed as i stared to weep and plead with him to let me go home. When i cried in despair "i want mum and dad!" Tamlin reached forward and slapped me in the face so hard my ears were ringing and i was dizzy and i could feel as huge bruise forming when Tamlin shouting in my face "i am your dad and you will respect me!!!" When he bellowed that in my face i yelled back with all my might "i hate you, Rhys is my dad and always will be!!!" after i screeched those hateful words at the piece of shit Tamlin did the world go black and i collapsed from dehydration and hunger...

When i was asleep later that day, my mum came to me in my dream and she said "Esma, honey, don't worry we are coming. Do you know where you are?"

I haven't called her mummy in years but i said through my tears "i am underground in Tamlins manor! mummy please help me!" i was sobbing uncontrollably at this point and i was so frightened Tamlin will come back but then my mum said

"my love we will get you do not worry we are coming for you." mum said, her voice shaking as if she about to cry as well and then she vanished, leaving me alone in the oblivion of darkness.

I woke still in the underground dungeon and looked around trying to find somewhere to escape from but there was nowhere to go in his cold, dark, terrifying place when i spotted a plate of freezing cold food next to me and a plastic bottle full of water. i grabbed the bottle with trembling fingers and downed the whole thing at once then moved on and quickly gobbled up all the food with fork and felt slightly better now i had food in me. i layed on the floor alone and terrified for hours.

I was lying the floor waiting for Aunty Amren and mum and dad to come and all my family to rescue me when i heard a roar, i knew that roar and started wailing "daddy im down here, help me!!!" i was screaming and bawling for what felt like days and i was thrashing when i broke one of dreaded manacles of my wrist, i felt a burst of my power rip through me and i grabbed the other manacle with all my strength and ripped it violently off my skin. I tore through the iron doors and ran as fast as lightling up the stairs with a burst of adrenaline and ran out of the manors oak doors to see my dad tackling the bitch Llanthe tearing her apart when i saw Mor being slammed to the floor but a gang of spring court warriors and i summoned my lethal, powerful and glorious wings and launched myself at the warriors and tore them apart with Mor helping and then we stayed together as we flew across the field and slammed with all our might into Tamlins beast form ripping his fur off with our razor-sharp claws and tore at him viciously while he yelped and roared in agony when uncle Az and uncle Cass joined in tearing Tamlin into bloody ribbons. We left him barely alive and my parents brutally murdered Llanthe in rage at what she did to me. After they savagely killed Llante we all grabbed into each other and winnowed home, to my beloved Velaris.

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