Esma's family

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Today was my 15th birthday! I am overjoyed to be getting lots of gifts from my family and extra attention from mum and dad also this year I get to spend the day in Velaris instead of at the court of nightmares. I always get tons of attention and get to have fun with uncle Cassion, Azriel and from aunty Mor (who insists I don't call her aunty because she isn't old) and aunty Amren. But it was nice to get extra attention from mum and dad. Aunty Amren is my favorite -closely followed by Mor- Because she is so entertaining when defends me from everything which I find amusing, one time she blew up a wasp for stinging me haha. Mor is my best girlfriend because she always lets me do whatever I want and doesn't care at all what people think (just like me). I am not afraid of what people think about me ever because I know I am more powerful than everyone, including my parents. I am extremely powerful so I always train with uncle Cass and uncle Az which I really enjoy. My dad and I always go flying together and have so much in common, I have his bright, piercing, beautiful eyes and his sense of humor. However, I have my mothers dark blonde hair and her lips, nose and curves. I am very beautiful and my favorite place to be is in the townhouse in Velaris, nobody was scared or nervous around me here and I had all my family here most of the time, but I do spend some time at the Illyrian camps sometimes and have made friends with some girls there, we call ourselves the bestie gang and we all love going soaring through the sky together with our powerful, wonderous wings! I have so fun everyday with my family!

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