ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘

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Hey, so I've been pretty busy with my jobs lately so please excuse me if chapters come in late or I drop a shit load of chapters at once or whatever. I'm obviously still pretty invested in this story and I just wanted to let whoever is reading this know that it'll be pretty wonkey from now on.
Also, this wasn't checked over or anything, so I'm sorry if there are mistakes.

"What're you doing here?" (Y/N) asked the taller male who was setting up his blanket and pillow.

Antonio only chuckled at the male before answering. "What? Can a man not come visit his bestie?" His voice was laced with sarcasm.

(Y/N) only frowned in return. "That's not what I mean and you know it."

Antonio smiled before finishing laying out his bedding. He glanced at (Y/N) who was staring at him. Before he answered the boys question he grabbed a Pepsi bottle from his bag and took a long sip.

"Hm, well, I was able to convince my Principal to let me attend this place. I told him I was planning on joining Nekoma's volleyball team so basically these few weeks will be my tryout's for volleyball." Antonio stated and played with the lid of the pop bottle. "I don't think Kuroo likes me very much though." He laughed after remembering the disgusted look on Kuroo's face as he entered the Nekoma volleyball club's gym room.

(Y/N) sighed. "So basically you joined your schools volleyball club just to stalk me?

Antonio chuckled at his "best friends" conclusion. "Yessir."

(Y/N) shook his head in disappointment. As the two boys stood there in silence for a few seconds, Sugawara made his way towards the two.

"Hey (L/N)-san, what's he doing here?" He emphasized the "he" in his question to the younger male. (Y/N) glanced at Suga before answering.

"Honestly, he's here to stalk me." (Y/N)'s voice was drowned out by sarcasm. But Sugawara was unable to tell the difference.

"Oh.", he said with a little bit of agitation. "Well then I'll just have to protect you, won't I?"

(Y/N) glanced at Sugawara seeing the jealousy and rage course through his lungs. He couldn't help but to smile slightly. It warmed his heart to see the boy care for him this much. Even though he and Sugawara were in a fight, Suga still managed to show him that he cared.

(Y/N) quickly got out of his thoughts once he heard Antonio speak up.

"Protect him? Listen here you off brand Min Yoongi. You wouldn't be able to protect (Y/N) even if it was a baby attacking him." Antonio always tried his best to erk anyone he deemed a threat to his and (Y/N)'s relationship. Even if they weren't actually dating.

"Can't protect him, huh?" Sugar only smiled harshly at Antonio, the aura around him becoming darker and thicker. "How about we test that lie right here right now?"

(Y/N) kept glancing back and forth between Sugawara and Antonio. His heart kept beating faster and faster before he finally decided to stop them from eating each other's throat out.

He yelled smacking his hands against both of their cheats. "Both of you! Knocked it off!"  It was as if they couldn't hear the short boy.

By this time, the entire volleyball teams for Karasuno and Nekoma were all surrounding the two. Before anyone knew it, Antonio pushed Sugawara causing the slightly shorter male to jump back up a bit.

(Y/N) fell to his bottom at the same time. Yachi quickly grabbed (Y/N)'s arm and tried to drag him away so he wouldn't get hurt himself.

"Both of you need to quit it, right now!" Daichi said as he attempted to intervene only to be pushed out of the circle as well.

Koshi Sugawara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now