#10, Pride

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When Lena finally gave in and told Kara she'd go, the blonde reporter was predictably ecstatic.
Even though Lena had agreed in the middle of the night, she had to physically restrain Kara in order to stop her from getting up at 1am and making preparations.

"No Kara it's not even light out I will not allow you to ruin your sleep schedule from excitement."

The blonde pouted.

"But Lenaaaa," she whined.

"No buts, now get your ass back over here I'm cold."

Kara reluctantly shuffled back under the covers, and Lena pressed her back against the reporters front, instantly feeling the warmth return from her girlfriend.

Kara was unsuprisingly restless for most of the night, and her sleep schedule was messed up even with Lena's insistence that she stayed in bed.


Once the birds began to chirp and the slightest hint of sun tipped on the horizon and shone through the curtains, Kara was out of bed in an instant.

She did, however give some consideration to the fact that Lena was still asleep, and managed to extract herself from the tangle of sheets without waking up her girlfriend.

The reporter took a long stretch, flexing her muscles and yawning violently before shoving on her slippers and walking into the kitchen to get started on what she hoped would be breakfast in bed.

Unfortunately Kara was not the best cook, and after 2 hours of trying to get the recipe right, it spontaneously burst into flames and the high pitched squealing of the smoke detector filled the air, alongside Kara's shocked scream at the hot orange mass that was supposed to be boiled eggs on toast.

The sound obviously woke Lena, who came barrelling into Kara's kitchen, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

She was met by the sight of broken egg shells everywhere, the reminder of Kara's many tries to cook the eggs correctly.

The bin was overflowing with uncooked eggs, overcooked eggs, and was about to be met with the toast Kara had set on fire.

"No you dummy don't put the damn toast in there you'll set your whole fucking apartment on fire."

She grabbed the burning toast with a pair of tongues she had managed to quickly retrieve and shoved it into the sink, turning the tap on and breathing a relieved sigh.

"Maybe leave the cooking to me next time?" She asked, laughing at Kara's attempt to be helpful.

The blonde looked at the floor, dispirited.

"I wanted to do something nice for you after you agreed to come to pride with me." She said.

Lena went up to her and wrapped her arms around her waist, snuggling her head just under the other woman's chin.

"I don't need you to make me breakfast to know that you care, Kara."

"I know, I just wanted to anyway."

Lena pulled away slowly.

"Well then, how about I teach you how to cook breakfast, just as soon as we clean up..." she gestured around her, "...this."

Kara started to laugh at this.

"Yeah we should definitely clean up before making any more mess." She said, starting to pick up the cracked eggshells she had angrily discarded after pulling the eggs out of the water too early.

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