#7 , Exclusive

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Lena was pleased with herself.

She clearly knew the effect she had on the blonde reporter, and had used it to her advantage that morning.

She loved the way Kara got flustered around her, the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled, and the way she moaned her name in the throes of passion.

She was completely and utterly whipped.


Throughout the day she was unable to focus much, her mind frequently going back to the previous night's happenings.

She had one too many times been interrupted by her assistant while engaging in a particularly explicit memory.

"Miss Luthor?"

Lena snapped out of it, quickly re-orienting herself to her surroundings.

"Yes, I'm sorry what did you want?"

The woman in front of her looked concerned for a moment before continuing.

"It's half past six, if you want to make your event with Miss Danvers you should probably leave now."

"Alright, thank you, I will be leaving soon."

She replied, her mind already wandering back into daydream mode.

The assistant's concerned gaze lingered for a moment longer, before she left, the door slowly shutting behind her with a muffled squeak.

Lena gathered her things, flipping up a pocket mirror in order to check her appearance.

Once she had decided everything was ok, she took off, leaving her assistant to lock up.


Kara had almost finished setting up when the rapt knock on the door startled her, causing her to stumble and fall into the lights she had hung, tangling her and rendering her trapped, her hands firmly tied behind her back.

"You can come in, its unlocked." The reporter squeaked, her cheeks already flushing red in embarrassment.

Lena walked in, her eyes darting around the small cabin that Kara had given her directions to.

Her breath was completely gone, taken away by the pure effort the blonde had gone to in order to create something special for her.

In the middle of the rustic cabin lay a pillow and blanket fort, lit only by the helplessly squirming woman lying at the center of it.

"A little help here." The tied woman spoke again, the sheer embarrassment clear from the cracks in her voice.

Lena was in tears.

They were sort of brought on by the way Kara had done all this for her, but mostly she was crying from laughter.

Oh how she laughed.

Kara was certain she had never heard Lena laugh like this before.

Her entire body was shook by the amount of laughter coming from her throat, and she was brought to her knees, head in hands.

Kara feigned annoyance.

"What are you laughing at? I'm stuck! Please help me. Please" She whined, pouting.

This only made Lena laugh more, and she made a few feeble attempts to untangle Kara before she collapsed next to her, utterly spent, still slowly giggling.

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