Chapter 1 - {The Stream}

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{A/N} HEY WELCOME TO MY STORY. This is just a quick authors note saying thanks for reading and suggestions would be very helpful :3 and a vote. HEHEHEH. Tell me if u guys like this story and if i should carry it on. LOVE YAH.

{Mitch's POV}

I hear a knock on my door and leave Ty and Adam downstairs. [Yes mitch and Adam are friends and in team crafted] It must be Jerome, late as usual. We are going to do a live stream to celebrate 2014 and about Ty and Adam finally getting together, skylox is real.

A while back I had feelings for Jerome, so i guess i have to be Bi, but I never told him... I wish I did whilst I had the chance because he's with Alanna now. To cover myself I got with Jess, I don't even like her. Now I have locked my feelings away for Jerome and I don't let it show. It's like I never even had them, which is fine.

"BIGGUMMMMSS!" I scream as I open the door.

"MIIIIIIITTTCHHHH!" Jerome shouts, dropping his suitcase. I engulf him into a huge bear hug and he nuzzles his head into my chest. It feels warm, safe , electrifying. No Mitch, that's your best friend. I see Jerome has turned red, is he too hot? I brush it off. "So biggums where am I sleeping?" He asks, staring at me with his cute hazel eyes.

"Ehhhh, I originally planned for you to have the guest room, the best for my main bacca. But it turns out Adam and Ty need to stay the night due to snow so I'm afraid It's with me or the couch.." I explain, wincing.

"I bet you wont want to sleep next to me so I-" I cut Jerome off.

"NO, you can sleep with me." I blurt out, turning red. Jerome winks at me and goes up the stairs and I raise an eyebrow and follow. He puts his suitcase In the room and jumps on my bed.

"I BAGSY PADLOCK THIS SIDE." He gestures lying on the left side.

"Then I guess I got right." I smirk. "OH BIGGUMS. We are late for the stream, fans are waiting. RACE YAH!" I begin to rush down the stairs, Jerome chasing me. I run across the kitchen, Jerome hot on my heels and down the basement stairs. Just as I'm at the bottom Jerome jumps on me causing me to fall with him on top of me.

I start laughing and he does too as we lie on the floor in a hot mess. "It's a draw." I whisper. He nods triumphantly.

"You breath is minty." Jerome comments and I laugh some more and we both turn red. Jerome is the first one to get up and so do i. As we realise Adam and Ty had been staring at us this whole time. Breaking the silence skylox scream in unison:

"FLUUUUFFFYYYYYY" They holla and bring us into a group hug. "COME ON PEOPLE LETS START THIS STREAM. WE GOT THE FOOD LOOTS." Adam screams as we all take a seat. I see him and Ty kiss out of the corner of my eye..

I start the stream.

"What's up doods its Mitch or Bajancandian here with, Adam, my main bacca and Ty! We are here for a late night Stream, some fun, some minecraft, maybe some dares and challenges! Sound good?" Everyone agrees and Ty says:

RIGHT. So we are doing this for charity and to celebrate 2014. So we need some money/charity goals. Each time we hit a goal we have to do it. Right, everyone comment some dares and we will pick a few."

We all stare at the chat:










"Well. So. Im going to choose. If we make 500, we will jump in the pool. 1000 we will sing dirty songs. 2000 we will wear diapers/nappys. 5000 we will dirty dance for you all and finally. 10,000 merome will kiss. All sorted. Lemme write that down.." Adam states.

Me and Jerome stare at each other and gulp. This will be fun.


END. DID U LIKE CHAPTER ONE <3 I hope so. ILY guys. Im going to do a few more POV changes next chapter <3 enjoy ly

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