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Everyone has times when they break down, and everyone needs a rock. My rock was music. When my parents and my so-called friends had failed me, music was all I had left, so I immersed myself so completely in it that I no longer needed anyone else.

People and their reactions seemed so surreal to me, and I was already done with planning my life. I walked on whichever road life led me to, and picked the choice music told me to. It was easy and painless, to trust no one. Simple. I followed no trail, but carved one for myself. I lived to no one's expectations, not even my own. I never trusted anything but music. The past was already a distant blurred memory, like watching a very tragic movie acted out by unskilled actors. The pain wasn't there.

The future was an uncertainty, never a fixed picture. All I had was now. This moment. And I would live it like I wanted to. This was utter freedom. I was free as the birds soaring into the horizon, without a home, without a destination, and no certainty of a tomorrow.

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