Young Folks

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I was not in a good mood. After having the heart to heart of all heart to hearts, I was being dragged rudely away to perform in front of five hundred people, when I wanted to be alone. Jose let me finish his pack of smokes on the way back as consolation.

I slammed the door as I got out in the parking lot, hurrying towards the door to backstage, Jose jogging after me.

We were greeted by none other than Lauren James, dressed in a skimpy costume.

"Too drunk to remember you had a show, Joan dear?"

"And what's your excuse for forgetting to put on some fucking clothes?" I snarled, pushing past her onto the stage. Jen and Rod were in the middle of an acoustic number, and they stopped playing when they saw me. The bloody idiots.

I had nothing with me but my acoustic guitar, which I swung around to playing position. Jenny glared at me, then threw down her mike, grabbed Rod's hand and dragged him offstage, whispering 'bitch' on her way out.

As I stood there, Jose calmly walked past me, his own guitar in position, and picked up Jenny's mike. I went over and took my place behind Rod's, waiting for Jose to start.

He started strumming, and it had the same bloody effect on me as ever. My shoulders instantly relaxed and my fingers positioned themselves on the instrument, joining in. Jose sent a warm smile my way, and I returned it a bit hesitantly.

"If I told you things I did before, told you how I used to be," I started singing. "Would you go along with someone like me

If you knew my story word for word, had all of my history

Would you go along with someone like me."

Jose started instantly after I finished. "I did before and had my share, it didn't lead nowhere

I would go along with someone like you

It doesn't matter what you did, who you were hanging with

We could stick around and see this night through."

"And we don't care about the young folks

Talking 'bout the young style

And we don't care about the old folks

Talking 'bout the old style too," we sang together, our voices lacing together. "And we don't care about our own faults

Talking 'bout our own style

All we care about is talking

Talking only me and you."

I left my mike as I strummed and went over to Jose. I looked up at him as I sang. "When things have gone this far, people tend to disappear

No one will surprise me unless you do

I can tell there's something goin' on, hours seems to disappear

Everyone is leaving, I'm still with you," I finished, meaning every word.

Jose hesitated for a moment, and then went on, "it doesn't matter what we do, where we are going to

We can stick around and see this night through."

I turned my head back towards the audience, and Jose did the same. "And we don't care about the young folks

Talking 'bout the young style

And we don't care about the old folks

Talking 'bout the old style too

And we don't care about our own faults

Talking 'bout our own style

All we care about is talking

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