Chapter 1 - Adam Taurus

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No One's POV

Ruby Rose, a skilled 15-year-old girl attending Beacon Academy, was now laying in her bed, looking through her scroll reading some news. The news she was reading was mostly about the White Fang and their aggressive way of protest. She sighed, put the scroll away, and stared off into the ceiling.

She was now deep in thought, recalling what had happened 10 years ago. She still got creeps just from remembering what had happened on that day. The fight that resembled a war, desperate screaming of people heard all around her, fire eating up the city, and pools of blood ready to drink her up. She was only five, young and pure when destiny decided to be so cruel to her. She was young, but still remembered everything. She remembered every little detail of it, and that's what made her crazy. No one would enjoy recalling back to a horrible sight every night. No, not even Ruby who was now so used to slaying the Grimm enjoyed such experience.

Ruby closed her eyes as if she was sleeping, but the memories from the past only grew more clear with her eyes closed, so she couldn't stay too long in the darkness. Though, this time, it was Weiss' voice that grabbed Ruby out of the reoccurring scenes from the past.

"Ruby, get down here. We need to talk."

"What is it about?"

"I don't know."

Ruby sighed but soon jumped down onto the ground from her bed with a smile. This wasn't the best time to talk, but it wasn't like she had a choice.

"So? What's new?"

She stared at her teammates with a blank face. Yang seemed to be as clueless as Ruby, and Weiss shrugged.

"Blake wants to update us on the information."

"There... are a few things I haven't told you guys," Blake said hesitantly. "It's about the White Fang."

"The White Fang? Wait, I don't want to be rude or anything, but I thought we already talked about White Fang before?"

Ruby questioned. If she remembered correctly, team RWBY had already talked about the White Fang only a few weeks ago. They concluded that White Fang was too big of an organization for only the four of them to take down. So why now was Blake trying to tell them something new? Plus, this was not the best time to talk about the White Fang. At least to Ruby, that's how it was.

"Yes, we have. It's just... some things are not revealed through the media, and I want you guys to have all information that I have just in case."

"Just in case, ey? I'm all ears." Yang said as she took a sit.

"We're listening."

Ruby sat beside Yang, and Weiss sat by the edge of her bed, all looking up to Blake letting her know that they were ready to listen. Blake sat by the edge of her bed and started to talk.

"Do you guys know the current leader of the White Fang?"

"Sienna Khan," Ruby answered immediately. "I-uh, well, happened to read it from the news."

"You're right," Blake nodded. "The new leader is Sienna Khan. Well, for now, it is."

"What do you mean by that?"

"There's a Faunus in the White Fang who happens to be much more destructive and aggressive than Sienna. Well, Sienna, she tries to not use violence if it's not necessary. But he's a little different from her. He has different vision of power than the rest of us. He will destroy everything in his way."

Blake took a second to observe everyone's reaction and soon continued.

"And he has enough power to influence the members of the White Fang. He already had a lot of followers by the time I left. Knowing him, I'd say that it is only a matter of time that White Fang will become more and more destructive."

"That's... dangerous. Will he try to become a leader himself?" Weiss asked.

"He will. He was always ambitious and desired respect from others."

The four fell into silence. They already decided that White Fang wasn't an organization they could take care of on their own. But now with the new information given, they didn't know what they could do anymore. Sure, they could report this to the Police, or the Huntsmen, but they couldn't be so sure whether they'd take the information very seriously. And not only that, but what Blake has said would possibly only increase the hatred and fear towards the White Fang, and further on, towards the Faunus if it was told to the others. And that was the least of what they wanted to happen.

"... Then what can we do?" Yang questioned.

"To be honest, I don't know. It's not like he already became the leader or anything like that, so there really isn't much we can do. But I only wanted to let you guys know of this before anyone else, so we can be prepared for whatever is to come at us."

"I... we understand. Thank you."

Weiss thanked Blake and hummed. There wasn't much they could do with the new information given. It wasn't like they could burst into the White Fang's base and stop him from becoming the leader himself. That was already far beyond their ability.

"Well, just as you said, there isn't much we can do, but at least we'll be prepared."

Yang said with a smile, and Blake smiled back to her.

"And who's that guy that you keep referring to? I mean, I doubt we'd know him anyways, but it's better that we at least know what his name is, right?"

Ruby pointed out as she scratched the back of her head. And if you ask her in a few months, then she'd say that she regrets ever asking Blake for his name.

"Oh, right. He's a bull Faunus, and his name is Adam."

"... Adam?" Ruby asked.

"Yes. Adam. Adam Taurus."

A/N. This is not a fanfiction with ships of Ruby X Adam. They're related by blood in this fanfiction, actually. I'm not planning any ships so far, but if there is any, there's a high possibility of it being a Ladybug.
I want to progress the story slowly, so please keep that in mind!

Ruby Rose? No, Ruby Taurus. (Ruby & Adam)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon