I'm Here For You

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Dabi has never been afraid of the dark.

For every shadow, there was a flame. For every monster there was a stronger one growing inside him.

But this darkness was different.

It swallowed his fire and spat out his monsters. It hissed and bit, showed fangs that never quite reached him. It grazed scarred skin, hitting burned out nerves until they felt again.

But despite the clawed touches of his new demon, Dabi felt nothing but calm.

Calm had never existed before, he realised. Maybe a moment of peace or a feeling of zen, but never so much calm.

He wondered if Keigo felt this calm too. It was a random thought, disjointed and without reason. None the less, that didn't stop it from flickering through his mind and pulling at the tail of his curiousity.

Maybe Keigo was-

Drip. Something wet hit his cheek. Dabi hissed in annoyance at the droplet interrupted his thoughts. He tried to shake it off, or bring up a hand to wipe it away, but his body wouldn't move.

Drip. He tried to contort his face, tell whoever was crying to get the fuck away from him. He could feel the tear burn a shaky, itching trail down his cheek.


Then warmth.

Dabi had barely realised how cold the darkness had been until the crying person had encaptured his lips with their own.

Kei? If anyone had dared to kiss him, Dabi would crawl out of his grave to destroy them. What the hell are you doing?

No answer, no sound, just the gentle waves of warmth and calm. Somewhere in the distance he could hear heavy weeping, the loud sobs glossed over by Dabi's sudden ability to not feel.

Dabi's, no Touya's lover seemed to be upset and there was no way to comfort him.

But he could try.

His heart groaned in unheard protest as Dabi started speaking to Keigo with motionless lips.
Hey, baby, don't cry. The mental words of comfort landed on empty ears. Whatever happened, I'm here, right?

Something tugged at the back of his mind, and he felt as if he had just told a lie, but that wasn't possible, because Dabi would always be there.

Yeah, I'm here. The self-confirmation did nothing to help the feeling that was twisting in his gut, so he chose just to ignore it.

I'm here, because we promised to always be there for each other. To stay by each other's side. So whatever upset you, whether you dropped your chicken nuggets or gave birth to the Lorax, I'll always be holding your hand, ok?

Past events slipped from Dabi's mind as certain memories began to surface. He was now rambling in a way where he himself couldn't even understand the words, just the sudden primal urge to comfort his boyfriend forcing words out of unmoving lips.

By now the Keigos mouth had left his and the calm was slowly falling away into a pit of nothingness. Passing out had never felt this way before. Dabi wondered just how hard he must've hit his head this time.

Smiling, he lifted invisible arms and leaned over to embrace his bird and whisper in his ear.

Just always remember.

I love you.
It's a lot harder writing stuff on your phone.
That definitely wasn't sad enough but I just got bored and wrote a second chapter.
I am tired.

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