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After 5 years in Tartarus, Dabi, ex-villain and lieutenant of the League of Villains, has been confirmed for the Death Row. The execution will be public, decreed by the families of those he's killed. It will be carried out by current No. 1 hero Hawks on the 17th of September, viewed by the deceased families and friends. See more on pg 11


"You will be given 5 minutes to state any last words, atonements or confessions." Hawks voice stayed strong, despite the silent tears that dripped from his chin. He stared into his lover's burning eyes, bluer than the fire that itched to escape his suppressor cuffs. He tried his best not to sob, to give the public the execution they wanted. Why was this any different to Shigaraki's doom day? Why couldn't he just sharpen a feather and let heads roll?

A rasping laugh emitted from the mic pinned on the front of Dabi's shirt. Hawks trembled. How did he fall for such an ugly sound?

"5 minutes isn't enough for me to atone, pretty bird." Dabi sneered, but regret pooled into his eyes', dripping over facial expressions masked by scars. Dying his hair was one of the luxuries Tartarus still allowed, but the roots were as red as they were when they were younger.

Dabi turned his head to face the seething crowds, however when he spoke he did not address them. "So all I can say is sorry. I hope my death can ease your pains, knowing that you killed me as I killed you."

And it sounded so ironic, but no one heard anything beyond the mocking tone and the fiery eyes.

Hawks stayed quiet, allowing the former villain to continue his impromptu speech. "I have quite a few regrets." He mused. "One is leaving my family. Sure, Dad was an asshole, but the rest of them didn't deserve to deal with him alone. I should've been the big brother I was supposed to be and continued to protect them. I guess I was as weak as he said I was."

In a small prison not that far away, the execution played live and Endeavour tried to catch the solo tear that trickled down his cheek. Touya's siblings held each other in the audience, silent as they wept and staring ahead determinedly. Rei stared on out her window, oblivious to her children's pain.

"Another regret is never telling my boyfriend I loved him. And maybe if things weren't the way they were now, I would have asked for his hand in marriage." A voice in the audience cried out in protest.

Hawks could feel fate pushing down on him. His knee's wobbled and Dabi looked directly at him. It was cruel, how the world worked. Every twisted sense of justice a person had would be overpowered with another's beliefs, until someone was standing over a loved one's body.

He just wished that the body didn't have to be his.

"I'm sure your boyfriend would've loved you back." Boyfriend. Such an insignificant word, definitely not a powerful enough term to describe them. They were mates, two sides of the same rusty coin, a worn-out blanket held together by staples and love. "If he was dedicated enough to stay by your side through all of this then he'd definitely say yes."

Hawks voice was cracking and Dabi's melancholic look somehow managed to distort to show happiness as well. "Yeah, well, he deserved better."

Hawks shook his head, to choked up to make a sound.

No, you deserved better.

"Hawks, five minutes is up." A guard informed him through his comms and Hawks inhaled deeply. He had to do this.

"Well, Dabi, looks like the five minutes is up." Hawks said through a wavering tone.

Dabi just nodded. "It's ok, Kei." He whispered. Echoes of his crackling voice bounced around the stadium as his mic captured his every word. "We both knew this was coming."

The public was silent, a crowd of confused onlookers looking on unknowingly as a tragedy unfolded before them.

"..." Hawks opened his mouth, but nothing came out, nothing but a sob as he sharpened a small feather at the base of his wings. The small feathers were special, not the primary swords he had beheaded Shigaraki with, or the secondary's that had pierced Twice through and through. Small feathers are gentle, made for his mate to caress through night terrors.

And now they were going to end a life.

"I'm sorry, Touya." He lowered himself to a crouch and to touch their foreheads together for one last embrace. He pulled his wings around them to shield them from the media who were probably having a field day, unaffected by the bleeding hearts before them.

All throughout the day, Hawks' tears had not stopped flowing, and now they came down faster, harder as he realised what they had was gone after he ended this life. Nothing would ever be the same again. Because red-tailed hawks mate for life, and even as their loved one perished they had to remain loyal.

"Kei, do me one last favour," Hawks hummed in response, even the simple sound riddled with sorrow that would only increase by tenfold once the deed was done. "Move on. Find someone else."

And his tears fell louder because he couldn't, he never would, birds like him could only achieve happiness once.

"I'm sorry, Touya." He repeated, because what else could he say when he was about to kill the single most important person in his life? He released a feather from the confines of his wings and darted to its place behind Dabi's back. "I'm, so, so, sorry."

The feather darted forward to quickly for Hawks liking, pushing between his lover's lungs in a deadly dance that would've been graceful if anyone else.

He could feel every single bit of it. His feather severed veins, burst through flesh and carved a hole in Dabi's heart. It shot out the other side and landed in Hawks' palm. He stared down at his now dripping feather, red for a different reason entirely.

In less than a second, Hawks' happiness had been extinguished.

What had he done?

He fell to his knees shaking. Reaching in front of him he dropped the feather and pulled Dabi's head into his lap and wailed. His head bent over and the shocked audience watched as their number 1 hero, symbol of peace, pressed his lips to the dead man's.

Apathetic reporters watched on as journalists wrote notes furiously into half-full note pads. Fuyumi let out a wailing scream that almost matched the frequency of Hawks', Natsuo holding her tightly as Shouto's eye's glistened. Miruko watched her best-friends anguish from the shadows, trying not to let her tears be seen by the guard beside her.

And the audience's cruel wave of glee at the villain's death fell as millions stared on at a half-formed, half-broken, half-loved couple that had never lived to see a lighter world.

All the while tears poured from Hawks eyes and dripped onto Dabi's sleeping face, some part of him hoping that he'd wake and complain about the cold that hit stilled cheeks. He stared at the dripping feather that killed his boyfriend, lover, mate, and wondered if any atonement would come if it travelled through his chest as well.


Now go listen to Daylight by Maroon 5. Bc that made me cry.

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