Chapter 12

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Baekhyun woke up in the middle of the night.  He immediately got out of the bed and ran to Chanyeol's room.  "Chanyeol, wake up!!!" He shook Chanyeol's shoulder.

Hearing the urgency in Baekhyun's voice, Chanyeol immediately sat up though his eyes still looked sleepy.  "What is it?"

"I had a dream about what happened to me the night my grandmother and I were attacked in this house.  She said something about a journal being buried at the garden.  That way it wouldn't matter if somebody burned the house down or burned the entire garden.  The journal would be safe beneath the soil."  After talking about his dream which was also a memory from the past, Baekhyun finally noticed that Chanyeol had been topless.  He shifted his gaze to the floor.

Chanyeol had noticed the way Baekhyun admired his body for a moment, but decided not to comment about it.  "Can you remember anything about how you survived that night?"

Baekhyun shook his head.  "I still can't... I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep.  I just had to tell you right away or I might forget again like how I would usually dream of something but can barely remember it when I wake up."

"It's okay and since I'm awake now, I might as well start looking for that journal.  I've been gardening for years but I haven't encountered the journal, so it must be buried deep."  Chanyeol pushed away his blanket and got out of bed.

Baekhyun turned around to give Chanyeol some privacy as the other only seems to be wearing boxers in his sleep.  "You can just do that in the morning you know..."  He said, only facing to Chanyeol again after he heard the sound of the zipper of the pants being closed.  "Um... aren't you putting a shirt on?"  He asked when he noticed that Chanyeol was still topless.

"I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep after what you just told me and why bother putting a shirt on? I'll just sweat on it.  I have a lot of digging to do." Chanyeol simply placed a towel on his shoulder which he would be needing to wipe his sweat later.  "You can just go back to sleep."

Baekhyun didn't go back to his room.  Instead, he followed Chanyeol to the garden.  "I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep knowing that you did all the hard work.  I'm going to help out too!" However, Baekhyun hesitated as he wouldn't want to ruin such a beautiful garden.  It was his grandmother's garden too which was maintained beautifully by Chanyeol throughout the years.

"You're talking aloud in your thoughts."  Chanyeol spoke.  "I'm sure the journal is more important than the garden, but if it makes you feel better, we'll just put the plants at the side along with some soil before we really dig thoroughly.  After we find the journal, we can just put the plants in again."

Baekhyun nodded, slightly teary-eyed as he remembered that he used to help his grandmother with gardening.  He carefully removed the plants along with some soil and placed it somewhere near the house.  "How did you know about my blood?" He asked as he didn't like how they were too silent.  "Do you think my grandma knows about it too?"

"I was given a mission to protect the person with special blood." Chanyeol was getting dirt on his arms and pants.  He was fast at digging using his arms and legs which actually looked weird to Baekhyun since Chanyeol was in human form, but it was still a werewolf thing.

"Who gave you that mission? Are you still in contact with that person?"

"Chen.  He's a werewolf but also a scientist.  I was made by him.  I was once a dying human, but he gave me a new life by turning me into something like this.  Hence, I'm called an artificial werewolf because I'm wasn't born as one.   Werewolves aren't vampires who could turn humans into vampires with just a bite.  However, Chen successfully turned me into a werewolf with a long complicated scientific process and now, he's on the run as he doesn't want to share his knowledge.  Other werewolf scientists studied me, but they couldn't find anything out of the ordinary besides my blue eyes, so they left me alone after that."

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