Chapter 13

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Baekhyun and Chanyeol explained what happened last night to Kris except for the part where they confessed their feelings to each other.  After that, they needed to figure out how to open the metal attache case which is the most important thing right now.  Though there might be other ways of opening the case without knowing the correct numbers for the lock, they might end up destroying whatever it is inside the case.  Heck, there might be a bomb waiting to explode in it if they enter the numbers wrongly.

The only person who might have an idea as to what the numbers are would be Baekhyun but sadly, he couldn't remember much of his memories from his childhood either because of young age or some selective amnesia caused by the trauma of having his house and his grandmother attacked by werewolves. 

"I've got an idea." Kris snapped his fingers.  "Hypnotism!"

"It's worth a try, but I don't think both of you knows how to do it."  Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol and Kris back and forth.

"I think Xiumin knows.  I saw a book about hynotism when I visited him before.  Even if he doesn't know, he'll probably know someone who could do it properly."  Chanyeol suggested.  "I'll go to the city since it's safer for me to do so compared to Kris."

"Alright.  Be careful and come back as soon as you can. " Baekhyun doesn't like the idea of being parted from Chanyeol, but it was safer this way.

"I will." Chanyeol said in a promising tone as he leaned down for a quick kiss before leaving in a hurry, not even saying goodbye to Kris.

Baekhyun blushed as Kris gave him a questioning stare about the kiss.  "So I believe something else happened between you and Chanyeol last night that you guys didn't tell me."

"Just that... uh... we should train!!!" Baekhyun was suddenly enthusiastic about training.

Kris decided to let it go.  He doesn't really need to be told.  Chanyeol and Baekhyun obviously had feelings for each other from the start.  His heart clenched as he was suddenly reminded of Suho and wondered how the RRHS leader is doing right now.


Sehun knocked on the door of Luhan's bedroom which is actually their shared bedroom. Everything seems fine when they woke up and shared a morning kiss.  Then Sehun went out of the room first for breakfast while Luhan said that he'll catch up, but Luhan never showed up for breakfast which made Sehun worried, so Sehun decided to bring the breakfast to their room and now, he found out that their room is locked.

"Sehun, is that you?"

"Yes, Luhan. It's me and I brought some breakfast for you since you didn't show up."  Sehun was now starting to get worried about Luhan.  "Luhan, are you alri---woah!!!"  Sehun was about to ask if Luhan was alright but the door suddenly opened and Sehun was pulled inside their room quickly.

Luhan immediately locked the door.  He hadn't faced Sehun yet.  "Sehun, you'll love me no matter what... right?"

Sehun placed the breakfast tray on the nearest table in the room which would be the bedside table.  "Of course.  Luhan, you're acting strange.  What is this all about?"

Luhan finally turned around and looked at Sehun straight in the eyes.  Sehun inhaled sharply as he got a good look at Luhan's eyes.

They were gold like werewolves.


Xiumin was drenched in sweat when he woke up.  Then he saw Tao frowning and pouting beside him on the bed.  "You mentioned Chen in your sleep more than once."  That explains the anger and jealousy radiating from Tao. 

"More than once? So I said his name twice?"

Tao didn't like Xiumin's joke and simply shoved him out of the bed.  Xiumin yelped in pain as his body hits the floor. "Tao, I swear it wasn't a wet dream."  Xiumin explained as he made his way on the bed again while rubbing his shoulder.

Tao rolled to the other side and faced the wall instead.  "You said you're over him!"

Xiumin knew that Tao was pouting even if he couldn't see the other's face.  "Tao, I simply dreamt of how Chen and I met the first time... how I decided to name him Chen... how he saved me from other werewolves... and it just simply stopped there.  It didn't even get to the part when I realized I had feelings for him or when we had our first ki---"

Tao suddenly growled and jumped on top of Xiumin which made Xiumin fall on the floor again, but this time, he had a very angry Tao in front of him.  Tao's ears and tail looked stiff.  Tao's wolf fangs grew longer and sharper.  "Aren't you an expert of werewolves? You should know how possessive they are.  I don't appreciate hearing you talk about your past love life!"  Gone was the cute Tao who acted more like a puppy than a werewolf.  The Tao in front of Xiumin right now very much reminded him that Tao really was indeed a werewolf and not a cute puppy.

Xiumin winced as he felt Tao's sharp nails digging into his shoulder.  "I don't usually dream of Chen... the fact that I even dreamt of him last night... it could mean something..."

"That you still love him?"

"No, not that.  Just that maybe he'll show up again."

Tao released his grip on Xiumin's shoulders and moved away from the other.  "I bet you'll be happy about that."

"I'll be happy to see him again as a friend, nothing more than that.  I don't have feelings for him anymore."  Xiumin sat up and felt something wet.  That's when he realized that his shoulders were slightly bleeding from Tao's sharp nails.

Tao was able to sniff the blood before he got to look at it on Xiumin's shirt.  "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to hurt you.  I was just--" 

"It's okay.  It's not deep enough to need stitches.  I'll be fine."  Xiumin kissed Tao lovingly as his tongue carefully avoided the wolf fangs.  He felt the werewolf starting to relax through the kiss.

Their kiss was interrupted by a knock on the door, not the bedroom door, but on the front door of the house.  Tao immediately tensed again.  Then in a matter of seconds, he took off his clothes and transformed into a wolf.

"Tao, whoever it is at the front door, I want you to behave."  Xiumin knew he wouldn't get an answer verbally from Tao in wolf form, so they just went on their way to the front door.

When Xiumin opened the front door, he and Tao felt relieved that it wasn't Chen.  Instead, it was Chanyeol.

"What brings you here so early?"  Xiumin opened the door wider and allowed Chanyeol to come inside his house.

"Early? It's almost lunch.  I wish I could be more carefree with my time and just sleep the entire morning away like you guys, but I have urgent matters to do and this time, I'm going to need your help.  Do you know how to do hypnotism?"  

Xiumin blinked.  He had never seen Chanyeol ranting this much, not even when they used to live together... with Chen... memories were coming back again.  "Yeah, but I haven't done it in a long time, and I would need information about the person I'll be doing the hypnotism and which memory you would want me to make the person forget or to remember."

"A password."  Chanyeol immediately answered.  "This person could possibly have the password to open Chen's attache case."  He knew that he could trust Xiumin and Tao.

"Why would this person have the password to Chen's attache case?  Who is he to Chen?"  Everything just seems to be connected to Chen lately.

"An experiment just like me.  Come on, I'll explain it to you along the way.  We need to get going now."

In a speed of light, Xiumin changed his clothes and dumped everything he felt like he needed in a bag while Tao transformed back into human form and made sure to wear a beanie and a long coat to hide his ears and tail.


To be continued...

A/N:  I ffinished writing this chapter for quite some time, but I haven't really been active lately here in wattpad.  I got distracted by watching movies and TV series. I'm totally crazy over In The Flesh and Hannibal right now. Hahaha!! Anwyway, please comment, vote, and inspire me to be more active~!!!!

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