Finding out

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Elijah pov*
Ever since I have met y/n it's like I can't stop thinking about her, every time we touch it feels like we where meant to be. I have never felt like this it feels like the earth shifted the second I met her like gravity is no longer keeping me down but it's her, the day I met her I made the warlocks go threw every grimoire they have to figure out what this is. I know it has something to do with the original witch when she turned me and my family into vampires.
" Elijah we have found what you are looking for" " well don't just sit there tell me" I said
" it's a link that was created for the original family only  when you got turned into vampires every one of you has a thing called a soul mate they could have already been born but the reincarnate every time they die so they have a chance to be with you once you meet the bond is complete and it's like your world changes completely every thing you do is for them." My warlock said " is that all?". "Um no if the soul mate dies once the bond is complete they will not return ever , also you can feel each other pain if it's severe. That's all that I have found is a old curse something new might pop up soon"the older warlock said Elijah jaw was basically one the floor he was shocked. Well then this is a surprise one thing for sure is my brother can not find out about this his biggest fear is being left alone with no one if he finds out I have a soul mate he will kill y/n for his own selfish reasons. She has to be Protected I love her so much already I can't stand to lose her. do I tell her?
Your POV *
I had just woken up it was midnight and you decided a after school nap was more important then doing homework. I quickly get up and grab some clothes and stuff to shower and help wake me up even tho I don't wanna I still have to keep my grades up my parents didn't die just so I can goof around and fail. After your shower you where fully awake and dressed you put your wet hair in a messy bun and left the bathroom you share with your siblings you and sat down on your desk that had your homework on it . You sighed you really didn't wanna do it but got your pencil , you put on your glasses and turned on your lamp and started to write your 3 page assay for English that was duh next week "might as well start it so I do t have to stress later" . " I completely agree" someone said behind you scaring the life from your tired weak body and you jumped and fell out your chair . You look to see who it is and it's a smirking Elijah sitting on your bed one one leg dangling over the edge " holy hell Elijah you can't just sneak up on people like that what are you doing here at this hour and how did you get in and how long have you been there" I say letting my head fall to the flood and rest with my hand on my chest to Calm my breathing . He just chuckled and said "
Iv been here for a few hours and I got in from the window that you never lock and sneaking up on people is fun especially if I'm sneaking up on you" you blushed and giggled before sitting up and looking at him " why you here?"
" I like watch you sleep it calming and it lets me know your safe from harm" you looked at him confused " why would I be in harm that's my sister your thinking about she is always in trouble" you chucking at your stupidity and getting up from the floor and walking to sit next to Eli " so you do this often" Elijah chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck " yeah but it's just your so pretty when your peacefully sleeping" " thank you Eli"  out of nowhere you remembered your glasses on your face and blushed you hated them on you you thought they made you look stupid as you reached up to take them off Elijah spoke and said " no don't take them off I like them on you they add to your perfection plus you still to do homework" you blushed 80 shades of red and walked over to the desk " but it's about the Spanish war I don't know Jack about the Spanish war" "I'll help you I was there to see it" .
~time skip~
You had actually finished the 4 page assay you where only planning on writing a few paragraphs at a time but Elijah disruptions where to good not to wright down and 2 hours later it's done making you smile brightly "thank you Elijah this is perfect I'm sure to get an A plus extra credit for finishing early"  Elijah smiled seeing you so happy "Anything for you"
You hold out your fist for a fist bump and Elijah gives you one causing that spark to happen again but you where used to it happing around him. you smile as you remember the first time you tired to give him one and he didn't know what to do or what it was and looked at you funny causing you to laugh and show him. "welp imma got to bed I got school soon and I'm pretty sure you got vampire stuff to deal with so good night Eli" Elijah smiled getting up from off your bed and going to your window " goodnight y/n" he said and left In a flash.

Guys I'm sorry for the wait but iv been super busy and had writers block on this chapter but I swear I won't make you guys wait that long again chapter 5 will come soon .And remember food is love food is life food is everything nice bye my lovely's

Soulmates ( vampire diaries Elijah x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum