First kiss!?

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Elijah pov*
Iv been watching my brothers actions for a while now ever since Elena has been found to be the doppelgänger and everything he needs to unlock his wolf side is right here in mystic Falls. it won't be long until he makes a appearance. even then he has that stupid body trick , I won't know if he is here until it's to late and he must not know that I have found my soulmate he will kill her because of his stupid fear of being left alone or forgotten. Like I would ever leave my own little brother he is family and family is everything to me ever since me and my sibling where betrayed by our own parents. Anyway I lost track of him when I got daggered no thanks to the two Salvatore idiots. I just hope I'm not to late I can't lose y/n she's my world the reason I breath. I don't know what will happen to me if she's died I'll probably make Damon rip out my own heart. I got to find him and stop him he can not unlock that side of him he will be unstoppable if he is like that again I also want to know where he put the daggered body's of my siblings

Y/n POV*
Its been like 2 weeks since the argument between my sister and I but I'm finally starting to get my life back on track ever since the coma. I had to do a whole bunch of make up work to get my grades back up which if a girl was in a coma you think that would a good excuse to not have to all that but apparently not.

I also had to beg the coach to let me back on the team-and he let me on the team again but in fear of me having another " heart attack" and going into a coma while on his watch, I am in charge of cleaning after the team and the equipment, I was outraged I was the best on the team sure I was the only girl but still how could he do this to me I tried to complain to the principal but that didn't work apparently after 3 months of lack of exercise and eating and with my heart problems as the doctor says, this was the only way I'm allowed on the team again. Man stupid Elena ruining everything she can go a suck a hobos left elbow on a Tuesday night.

But I'm all caught up now in work and cleaning isn't so bad at least in not getting bruises anymore. I was home doing homework when the door bell rang " COMING" I quickly wrote down a answer before I forgot then going to open the door to see who it was and to my surprise it was Eli " hey what are you doing here on a Wednesday afternoon don't you have like ancient vampire rituals to go to do?" I said in a sarcastic tone "well hello nice to see you up and walking around, and no I'm here to see your sister about something she wanted to talk about where is she" Elijah said standing in the door way "oh she's upstairs we aren't really on speaking terms right now but come in" I move out of the way for him to step in and on his way in his arm brush's me causing that shock to happen and that strange pull in my chest to happen making me smile.

And I could have sworn I saw him smile to like he did it on purpose or something " anyway I haven't seen you in a while I missed you" " yes Elena has been wanting to talk in the Salvatore house away from you,saying it is for your safety but yes darling I missed you to" he said with a smile. You smile to because for some reason when ever he is around you can't help but smile . I go back into the living room to finish my homework it's my worst subject history and this week it's on the Great Depression. " hey your old right you know anything on the Great Depression?" I say without thinking " I am not old and yes I do" he says in a matter a fact tone and a smirk " oh I'm sorry I just would have thought 1000+ years is old I guess not" before I can ask for help Elena walks in making me roll my eyes.

Him and Elena talked in hushed tones for a while about something important I guess from the quick and scared glances Elena was giving me before leaving. *Welp ... so much on getting help* I quick dismiss there weirdness and go back to my homework but then I remembered something I quickly grab my phone and call the one person I know that can help me ( five bucks to anyone that can guess )

You guessed it Alaric. The person who gave me this damn homework and if he wants to getting into my aunt pants he is going to help me.
~ time skip till after homework brought to you by pole dancing Damon~
You quick say thanks to Alaric after he leaves he seemed a bit off today maybe he getting sick, I'll make him something for tomorrow to help him feel better .

~ another time skip brought to you by Katherine being evil~
After making some chicken soup and eating some yourself . You got a text from Stefan asking to come over. You internally groan and text back coming before getting getting your bag and leaving this better be good .
I have arrived and was in the living room with everyone else " so you have summoned me why?" You ask Stefan the only reason he texted you was because if Damon or Elena did you would ignore them "Elijah has a brother Klaus and we think that he might come here to harm Elena" he said " okay so keep a lookout for a vampire got it can I go home now" you say starting to lose interest in Elenas drama " no because if he is after your sister he will be after you to and the fact that we still haven't found a way to break your weird bond" he said a bit more sternly making you roll your eyes. you didn't want to break the bond you never felt like this before not with anyone and you wanna test it out before you don't even get to experience it.

After the lame meeting I went into my room and got ready for bed. I quickly got pjs out for a shower and grabbed a towel only to feel a quick breeze behind me. I look to see Eli on my bed smiling at me. " hey stranger" I say he rolls his eyes but gets up and hugs me " hey love I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to talk to you in a while I just thought I'd give you some time to settle down after the coma thing" he said breathing in my smell like he was losing me or something "it's ok , what's wrong?" I quickly grab his face so he can look at you. " I have to go into hiding for a while my brother is getting to close for comfort and if he sees me the plain to stop him will fail, as well as if he finds out that the soul mate bond is real and I found you he'll kill you and I can't have that. So this is a goodbye for a bit but when it's over I'll come back for you and we can leave and be happy" he explains everything I can feel the tears begging to come out but I held them in " oh gorgeous please don't cry it's only for a little while ok I promise" i give him a big hug I didn't want him to go but it's for our safety . He drabs my face to make me look at him by now the tears had started to run down my face so he wipes them away with his thumbs. I hadn't realized that we where both leaning in till it happened are lips connected. It was total bliss like no matter what this was supposed to happen the spark that usually happens when we touch was there but all over our body's as we deepened the kiss. When we pulled away for air I was smiling like a dork "wow" I said in a daze making him laugh a bit and kiss me again before leaving, leaving me a smiling breathless mess.


Sorry for the delay I just couldn't figure out how I wanted this chapter to go but I think it came out alright hope you enjoy.
also you would not believe how long it took me to come up with a title for this chapter till I decided on this one anyway be sure to vote and leave nice comments stay safe and stay weird. And remember food is love food is life food is everything nice!
I made this one a bit longer for you guys

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