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-April 22nd 1994-

???:March 4th 1965 Freya Estrella Sanderson was born to Elma Briar Inez and Reuben Jethro Sanderson.Freya grew up learning about passed down family gifts.To further explain in other words Abilities.As years passed and Freya got older she learn't she could move objects with her mind.She could see lost souls especially her beloved pets from when she was younger.One day while walking on the beach she came across a boy.He called himself Oscar Thatcher they talked thru the night as she was 15 years old.The two became friends and a year later they fell in love.Oscar was turning 18 and Freya was 16 years old.The two planned to be married but Freya's parents didn't approve of a man without Abilities like Freya and her family had.Oscar was gonna be 18 in a week and Freya was sick and went to the town's doctor there she learn't she was pregnant she told her Oscar and he was excited they kept it a secret till the day of his 18th birthday when they were about to tell the families their news Oscar was drafted to war getting a phone call.Oscar packed his things and kissed Freya goodbye and left saying "One day i will see you and our gifted child".That was the last day Freya ever saw him.Freya told the families of her pregnancy and her parents kicked her out.She then moved in with the Thatcher's.Five months into her pregnancy Freya and Oscar's family was told he died in the Iraq war.That day Freya had hope he will one day return to her.Then April 22nd 1982 their daughter Kayra Tabitha Sanderson was born and when Freya held Kayra in her arms for the first time she promised to be the best she could be as a mother.Promised Kayra that she will do everything in her power to give Kayra a happy life and knowledge of the family abilities and of the after life.

Kayra:Mama...What was Daddy like?.

Freya:Oscar was Handsome,Loving,Funny and most of all my one true love.

Kayra:I don't want to fall in love.I wouldn't want my true love to die.

Freya:Kayra...You just may be one of the lucky ones to live your entire life with them.

Kayra:Can we please have cake now?.

Freya:Of course birthday girl.


    After eating Cake Kayra left the house to the beach and sat at the rocks her parents did all those years ago.As she sat there she started singing a song her father used to sing to her Mom.

Kayra:"Sings".And in this lonely hour,When you rest your weary head,Well I will be watching you,And on tiptoe creep to your bed,And if you ever leave me I will follow you I'll find you anywhere you may go If it's the last thing that I do, You're my Scarlet Rose I will never let you go,You will always know I will be yours to have and hold don't forget me,Don't regret me, Scarlet Rose,Scarlet Rose. So dream your sweet baby dreams and I will kiss your tiny cheek,Though I must leave now
Know that you always be with me,I offer up this prayer,That everywhere she goes Lord please protect my baby
My sweet,sweet Scarlet Rose Cause you're...You're my Scarlet Rose I will never let you go,You will always know,I will be yours to have and hold Don't forget me,Don't regret me...Scarlet Rose, Scarlet Rose, Scarlet Rose, Scarlet Rose, Scarlet Rose and if you ever leave me I will follow you,I'll find you anywhere you may go if it's the last thing that I do...You're my Scarlet Rose I will never let you go You will always know I will be yours to have and hold.Don't forget me,Don't regret me
Scarlet Rose, Scarlet Rose, Good night, Sleep tight, Good night, Sleep tight...My Sweet Scarlet Rose.

    After 5 minutes pass Kayra walks home and on the way see's a woman watching her.

Kayra:Ma'am do you need something?.

???:You can see me?,My husband can't see me nor my children...

    Kayra walks to her and stands next to her in front of a house window.

Kayra Tabitha Sanderson| Ghost Adventures FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now