Reunion part 1

436 11 3

12 years later

"Vian! The bus will be here soon!"

"C-Coming! Shoot! Where's my bag?"

The blue haired came charging down the stairs, nearly tripping on the way. He luckily landed on his feet. "Have you seen my bag mom?"

"I have it right here."

He quickly made his way to the living room, by the front door. His mother held his bag out towards him. Vian took it with a smile and placed it on his back.

"Inkopolis huh? What made you choose to go there, son?" His dad asked.

"Well it's the biggest city out there. I want find new opportunities. Plus I heard they have this thing called turf war. I wanna check it out!" Vian replied excitedly.

"Huh? I thought it was because.... Nevermind." His mom shook her head before looking at him worriedly. "Are you sure you don't want us to come with? You're only 12."

"It's all right mom. I feel like I'll be fine there by myself. I can go to school and meet new friends. Plus I read that most people there are around my age anyway." The blue haired inkling grinned.

The sound of a bus came from outside.

Vian hugged both his parents tightly. "I gotta go now! I promise I'll call and text you everyday!"

His parents hugged him back. His mom sniffled sadly but smiled. Her husband wrapped his arm around her. "Take care."

"I love you Vian!" His mom called out.

"I love you too!" He said, before walking out the house.
The bus ride to Inkopolis was really long. Vian had fallen asleep several times and went through half his snacks. The bus was filled with jellyfish so he didn't have anyone to really talk to.

To keep himself busy, Vian hummed a tune. A tune he couldn't remember where he heard from. He had always hummed the same time for as long as he can remember. He hummed it when he was sad, bored, or stressed. It always calmed him down.

Was it a movie? Or a popular song?

Fortunately, the ride was coming to an end. The night sky was lit up with many colors of the city. Vian smiled brightly at the city. The pictures of Inkopolis on the Internet was nothing like this!

He couldn't wait to attend Inkblot Academy and try out the turf wars. He hoped he could meet some new friends and live a happy life here.
When he stepped off the bus, he immediately saw a giant crowd of people singing and dancing. They wore either a blue or green t-shirt and was waving flags around.

It was a lot of noise as music was blasting in the air. It made Vian a little overwhelmed with the noise but he shook his head and pushed forward.

As he got closer, he saw where the music was coming from.

There were two adults up above the crowd. One shorter inkling who had short tentacles that was pink at the ends. She was bouncing and rapping. Her golden eyes shined with joy and happiness.

The other adult was a
much taller... inkling? She looked different from the golden eyes adult. She had darker skin with long tentacles that had teal at the end.

Yo little dude! Had a nice nap?

Vian jumped as the voice appeared out of nowhere. "Huh?"

There was no response. The inkling's surrounding him paid no attention to him as they were too busy dancing.

What was that? It sounded familiar... Vian thought.

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