chapter three: long time no see

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Sam P.O.V:

"OMG! Sam is that really you?" I really had no idea what he was talking about, but he looked kind of familiar and I didn't want to be rude.

"I'm sorry but do I know you it seems like I do but I just can't remember where" ok maybe that did come out rude.

"It's me Cameron... I mean Drew from two years ago don't you remember?" the way he said was like if it was a quick reunion, but as soon as he said his name I could feel my knees buckle. It has been like what two years and he talks to me like it's all fine, like he didn't break my heart. What could I say?

"Drew w-what are y-you, why are you here?" I was so confused.

"Well I go here I'm in my last year, I move here from Canada a while back long story; but to be honest I should be asking you the same thing" when he said that he had a quirky smile on his face which brought back too many memories.

"I'm working here, well starting tutoring sessions really; I'm supposed to be meeting him now actually"

"Really? Because I'm supposed to be meeting my tutor now" you could tell we both clicked on. "... so you're my tutor, this is going to be fun" he announced with a fake smile. Good times. The teacher I spoke to Miss.Grayson started walking our way.

"So I see you've meet your tutor Mr.Dawson"

"Yep, defiantly" there was way too much enthusiasm in what he said. "So when do I start my sessions?"

"It will be three times a week and you and Mr.Dawson can discuss what days... you can head off to lunch now" starts walking back to her office.

"We have a lot of catching up to do, why don't we go to-"

"Look, it's good that I've bumped into you after god knows how long, but things has changed I got a new life and I don't want to change that. I'm sorry"

"Don't you feel sick and tired of saying sorry, it's not good enough anymore, don't you think I need an explanation of why you just up and left like that, don't you think it kills me to know that you meant so much to me but not the same back, every night crying myself to sleep wondering was it me that done wrong"

"Trust me I felt so guilty and it did hurt me as well, but I'm not what you want me to be, I don't know what I was going through... fine let's continue this at intercafe "

Whilst we were at the café, he was explaining himself and why he did what he did. He needs to understand people has feelings and I'm proud of who I am, at first it was terrifying to come out and tell people that I'm gay. When I first met Drew well Cameron, I felt at ease and he made me so confident, and then he broke me making me feel a shame of being the way I am.

"So why did you move?"

"Because my dad killed my Melody, so the day I broke it off with you I was moving back to Canada to get away from my dad, me and my mum didn't want to be a part of that so we had the funeral there and he came making trouble so we sent him to prison and moved here to California" he said it with so much depression I felt guilty, not realising he had so much going on.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know"

"It's alright how was you suppose to know, it was my fault I didn't tell you, I just didn't want you to get mixed up in all my drama and hanging out with you made it easier to deal with and I'm sorry for leading you on and breaking your heart, trust me it wasn't my intention"

"Now I understand, it's just a lot to get around my your name is Cameron?" trying to change the subject.

"Yeah it always was, Drew is my middle name and I used my first name here just for a fresh start."

Well I guess I learn something new every day. I knew it couldn't go back to normal there is too much at stake as well as being his tutor. After our chat I went home and he went back to school, we decided to start next week which is only a few days away so there is enough time get all the work ready and for him to balance his schedule.

Cameron's P.O.V:

I quickly got ready for Jayden's party, wearing cream chinos, black and white blazers and a black and red checked shirt. Looking in the mirror, applying hair wax for a sleek look and ready to go. Today has been a heck of a day, after me and Sam's quick 'reunion', me and mum went to go and visit Melody. So now I just want to go to the party to get my mind of things. I drove to Seth's house to pick him and Vic up; they are my friends no matter what so whatever they say I will get over it. As we pulled up in front of the house, all I could see was bear people making out, throwing up or getting too drunk; we got out of the door and headed inside. All I could hear was the pounding music basting through my eardrums, I just went to get a drink and guess who was there...

"About time you got here, I was beginning to wonder" she shouted over the music handing me a cup of fruit punch.

"Really? And why is that?"

"Because this party wouldn't be the same without you" she said sincere, playing with the curls in her hair

"Or maybe you want to see me because you still have feelings for me" I questioned.

"Maybe, maybe not" she smirked strutting off and leading to the centre of the living room. Obviously I followed like the person I am, I suppose I miss hanging out with her like I use to but as time gets on things change, people change.

As time got on, Chantel and I were dancing to nearly every song, I don't know if it was because we were too drunk or we actually enjoyed ourselves. After an hour or two the music stopped and we stopped dancing and went outside for fresh-air.

"Well that was fun... I actually miss hanging out like we use to" she huffed out of breath.

"Yeah me too, we did have fun right?" I asked looking into her light brown eyes.

"Of course we did, no matter what I will still have feelings for you" she murmured rubbing my hand vigorously.

As her soft velvet skin touched mine it was so warm and comforting; my initial instinct was to lean in and kiss her so I did, she anxiously jerked back and looked me straight in the eyes. I refused her reaction and placed my hand on the side of her face and rubbed her cheek with my thumb leaning in to kiss her again reassuring her I wanted this to happen, and this time she didn't shift because she opened her mouth allowing access for my tongue. The tenseness in her jaw felt more comfortable as she kissed back with passion and desire. I was craving for her touch as her hand found its way to my hair, tangling it with her fingers. Like an outburst, I pushed her against the wall creating no space between us; she stopped and laid her head on the wall.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just...nothing" she mumbled under her breath

"You can tell me" I reassured her, lifting up her chin. She bit her lip giving me a disbelieving smile and spoke up.

"Are you sure you want this or are you doing this because you drunk?" she probed.

"Why would you even question it?" but to be honest I really need to think this through because I don't want to hurt her.

"You know I put on this kind of front to act tough, but when I let someone in I fall too easy. I'm scared that will happen again"

"There is no need to be scared, I mean it this time I will be a better boyfriend to you" I told her with a smirk creeping at the corner of my lip.

"Promise?" I could her shaking in her voice. I kissed her hungrily biting her bottom lip.

"I promise... come on lets go inside its getting cold" we both held hands with her fingers intertwined in mine, I smile as she leaned her head on my shoulder, following me inside the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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