chapter two: fresh start

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~~~Two years later~~~

Cameron’s P.O.V:

A lot of things have changed; I moved to California started life fresh, in my last year of high school (thank god) and have the greatest friends a guy could ask for. I know I’m the cliché type kinda behind school work and the jock of the football team ‘wolves’. I’m the person I am today for me and my mum, even though it’s just us two we’ve stuck by each other through thick and thin.

Seth and Victoria are my closest friends, ever since I’ve moved here they’ve been by my side. Seth is my wing-man and would stick up for me whatever the situation is; his so called charms wins the blonde bimbos in my school, only because they’re gullible and naïve. As for Victoria, well she’s the tall good-looking brunette one that has boys at her feet, but really she’s a book worm and down-to-earth person at heart.

Just as I close my locker collecting my maths books, Chantel comes walking my way. I turn slowly to her clicking heels coming down the hallway, her luscious hair swinging in the mist of her shadow. Her no.5 Chanel perfume hung in the air as she stood right in front of me.

“What a sexy sight to see in this fine morning” she couldn’t help but tease me in her low cut top.

“What do you want Chantel? I have a class to attend to”

“Well I just came to say hi, there is nothing wrong with that is there?”

“Of course not but why are you really here? Small talk isn’t really your style” and there goes the bell, ringing its annoying un-rhythmic tune. “I better go otherwise I’m gonna be late for class”. I headed straight to class not looking back at her, not wanting to know her facial expression.

I was heading straight to math class, my favourite -not-, I really think Miss.Grayson has it in for me, even when I’m improving; it’s still not good enough in her case. I try to woo her with my charm but it still wasn’t good enough.  I languidly positioned my books on my desk; I really wasn’t looking forward to this on a Monday morning.

~~~10 minutes before the bell rang~~~

“Everyone start to pack away your books and equipment before break starts.” Miss said contently. I couldn’t wait to go through that door in the crowded hallway with tones of people muttering amongst their self just like a normal day at high school; but oh no I couldn’t do what I want without someone distracting me.

“Cameron can you please stay behind for a moment, I need to talk to you” great what does she want now, most probably another lecture. She turns to look at Seth and Victoria. “In private would be nice” gleaming a fake smile at them both.

“Alright Miss all you need to do is ask”. They both announced in unison. “Hey Cameron, we’ll be waiting outside yeah?” Victoria said glaring at Miss.Grayson. I really couldn’t help it, I had to snigger quietly to myself, nodding my head, this is the kind of person Victoria is, and standing up for her mates and tends to be cheeky about it.

“Yeah sure, see you in a bit. So Miss what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Your grades, what is up with you lately? I know you can achieve more but I’m just not seeing it in your test papers.”

“Are you sure, I don’t understand.” I was so puzzled I don’t know how I could be dropping; I study every week-end for hours… well kind of.

“It’s not like you to be so far behind.” Even she was concerned, I could see it on her face.

“So what are you saying?” I asked rubbing my head.

“Well, the only thing I could recommend is private tutoring” she answered with self-believe.

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