Chapter 1

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"Stop! No!" I whimper, trying to push him away. He pushes harder, gripping me and sneering as I scream in pain.

"No!" I scream, sitting up and looking around. I take several breaths before realizing that I'm in my bed in my apartment and not back in that basement. I reach over, grab the cup on my bedside table, turn the light on, and gulp the cool liquid down.

Even though it's been three years, I have nightmares of what he did to me. The pain from that time has never faded. I lost so much that day.

"Mommy?" A little squeaky voice calls out.

The sound makes me look up. I spot my two babies standing in the doorway to my room. Their small bodies move forward to walk over to my bed. Rosaleigh climbs onto the right side, and Reece climbs on the left side, both crawling close until they're snuggled into my sides.

"Are you okay, Mommy?" Reece asks, looking up with his big green eyes.

"What was that loud noise?" Rosaleigh asks, her eyes identical green eyes staring up.

I lost so much that day; I also gained something.

"I'm okay, babies. Did I wake you?" I ask, curling my arms around them, and pull them close as I lay back down. Sometimes, my nightmares are worse than others, and tonight was one of the bad nights.

Rosaleigh looks up at me with her big green eyes and her bottom lip pokes out in a pout.

"Uh-huh. We hear you scream," she mumbles, hugging me with her tiny arms. Reece nods, sitting up straight.

"I wanna protect you," he tells me. I stare down at him and my heart skips a beat. Every day, I thank God that my kids resemble me and not the monster from my nightmares. I love Reece and Rosa, and to this day, I have kept my self-made promise of loving them and keeping them safe.

Before I had my kids, I moved to Spring Fields, where we live now, and got my job at the diner. It's not the best, but it pays the bills. Since I don't have a college degree, I can't get anything better in this town.

When they were born, I took some time off until I found a babysitter to help with the kids. I couldn't take them to work with me and I couldn't leave them alone. I spend my days working at the diner and my nights playing with the kids.

Sighing, I hug my kids close and flip the light back off, laying down. I let out a shaky breath before closing my eyes and silently praying that the nightmares stay at bay for the rest of the night.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee-

I slam my hand down on the offending object. I shouldn't have let the desperation I felt years ago affect my decision of picking a job. Now, I have to be up at four am. If I had any other choice, I would've chosen differently.

A moan sounds from next to me, and I open my eyes to peer down. Rosaleigh stirs and buries her face in the pillow, so I slide Reece off my arm and rest him beside his sister.

Once I see they won't wake up, I quietly make my way to my bathroom to get ready. I've mastered the process over the last few years. I take my shower and dry my dark hair before pulling it up into a high pony. Next, I grab my work uniform and dress in the black shorts and a white button up top, which is tight and low cut.

My boss, an old pervert, is the only person who would offer me a job when I moved to town almost three years ago. I'd noticed that most of the workers are women and we all must wear the same uniform. I try not to let his lingering stares and his too friendly hands bother me because my paychecks from the diner are all I have to keep me afloat. If I didn't have this job, I wouldn't be able to pay my bills.

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