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It was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes. My head had lulled to the side while I was sleeping I guess. 

That meant I nearly slept for 16 hours, because I remember seeing it was almost 7pm the previous night when I dozed off. It was a muddy recollection in my mind, but it came back to me almost immediately upon seeing the time. 

I'd never slept that long in my life, I was pretty sure. 

I guess I should have felt really rejuvenated, but I didn't. It's not that I was tired either. I just felt... groggy. 

And thirsty. 

God, I was thirsty. 

My hands were so numb they just felt like a weight behind me. I attempted to swing my legs, only to feel something very cold against them. This attempt caused a jingling sound. 


I think I preferred whatever it was before that was binding them. Had it been Capricorn that had bound them with this? 

I couldn't lean far enough forward in the chair to see. It was the same problem I'd had before. My arms were still bound to the chair itself quite tightly. 

I wondered if it was her that had orchestrated this whole thing, or if it had been someone else? The binding, I mean. Obviously she hadn't been in charge of the whole capturing and all of that. 

Or had she? 

There certainly was a blank spot in my memory from when I was knocked out to when I ended up here. She could have easily been one of if not THE one to bring me here. 

Heh, not like she'd admit it if she was. But it would make sense wouldn't it? She felt guilty for bringing me here. That's why she went through that trouble to get me a clock, and to check my injuries as well. 

It sounded reasonable to me. 

But none of that mattered, in the end. Who was in charge or who cared, or who felt guilty about what. Because I was still here. 

So it had been a whole day now, or maybe even more. Had my Dad found out about my capture yet? Was he on a plane back over here yet? I hoped so. 

Last night I had thought I had everything together, but this morning I felt so hopeless. All my ideas of escaping... of getting Capricorn to relate with me and possibly aid my escape... they seemed so childish now. So impossible. 



And I had to piss again. 


Why couldn't I have just done it while I was asleep. 

Capricorn warned me about it, though, I recalled. She said I wouldn't be thanking her for the water when I had to piss. She was right. 

Not just because of that fact, but because I was thirsty still. That glass of water had basically been nothing more than a tease.  

How nice would it be to be able to drink as much as I wanted to, without someone telling me when to swallow..? 

I banished these thoughts from my mind. They were unrealistic at this point. I was still definitely a prisoner here, and nothing had happened to change that. 

I guess I should still be grateful I didn't feel like using the bathroom in the OTHER way, yet.  

I shook my head. I wouldn't even think about that now. Far more pressing things to worry about. 

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