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michael: are you okay? you looked alittle off today.

michael: and you only ate two bites of your salad at lunch

michael: and you were wearing makeup?

michael: do you have a crush?

michael: ohh 'liza

eliza: sorry i was talking to my sister

michael: still haven't met her

eliza: if you want to talk to her so bad she sits outside at lunch at the table thats closest to the parking lot.

michael: oh okay

michael: but back to you. the salad? the makeup? you didn't have even talk to me in history :((

eliza: sorry

michael: stop saying the s word

eliza: okay

michael: why did you wear makeup you never wear makeup?

eliza: no reason

michael: and the salad?

eliza: i didn't feel good

michael: eliza what's wrong

eliza: nothing clifford

michael: why don't you don't you ever use my name?

eliza: because when i do it makes me seem like i'm close to you

short like your dick
sorry i'm in a shitty mood

texting || m.c (finished!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang