Chapter 2

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Third Person's POV

~~~~Time Skip To 2 Hours Later~~~~

Harry wakes up, he groans in pain. After a couple of minutes, he remembers what happened.  He quietly unlocks the door to his cupboard and sneaks out to the bathroom. He takes a look at himself in the mirror, he had to bite his lip at the sight of what he saw. His eyes had turned blue, his long black hair now went down to his knees, and he looked more feminine. He looked down at his chest as saw that he had.... Boobs?? He wasn't a man anymore, he was now a female.

He or well she, was just about to look at the rest of her body before she heard a tapping noise coming from Dudley's second room. Harry quietly crept over to the room and see outside the window, two owls with a letter attached to one leg each. One of the owls was Hedwig, her owl, the other one, she didn't know. She got the letters and then sadly said to the unknown owl and Hedwig, "Sorry, I don't have any treats." Both owls nod and the unknown owl flies away and Hedwig waits for her to respond to the letter. The letter that Hedwig gave her was from the Weasley twins, Fred and George Weasley, and the second letter was from Gringotts. Harry decided to open Fred and George's letter first. 

'Dear Harry, 

It's Fred and George here. We wanted to know how you are and if we could hang out? Also Max misses his mommy, he is fine by the way, no one has found out about him. Reply as soon as you can about hanging out.

Sincerely, Fred and George Weasley'

Harry silently laughed at their antics and then puts down the letter and opens the letter from Gringotts. 

'Dear Ms. Potter, 

It seems you have come into your creature inheritance early. I would like you to talk about your inheritance. Bring everything you have because I have a feeling that you will not be coming back. This letter is a portkey, just say 'inheritance' and you will be brought to Gringotts. 

Sincerely, Griphook' 

Harry quickly packed everything and wrote a letter to Fred and George. 

'Dear Fred and George, 

I'm alright, I miss Max too. And about hanging out can you come to Gringotts as soon as you get this letter, please? I need to go now.

Sincerely, Harry'

She then gave the letter to Hedwig, grabbed her things, put on a glamor on so that no one would see the cuts and bruises, then grabbed the portkey and said "Inheritance." She then disappears.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will be trying to update as most as I can with all of my stories, but this one is much easier to do because I only need to read and edit it a bit. But still I will try to update as much as I can. 

Edited On: 6/29/2020

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