Chapter 1

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(Warning: Mentions of Abuse)

Third Person POV

Harry had only been home from Hogwarts a week and he was already thinking he was gonna die. Earlier that day, Harry had accidentally burnt the dinner that he was making for the Dursley's and he had also accidentally used magic to push his aunt away from him. So now here he was in his cousin's second bedroom. They had moved him back into his cupboard after 2nd year saying that "Freaks don't get a bedroom for themselves. They get a cupboard."

 Well now back to the present, Uncle Vernon was hitting Harry on his bare back with the metal end of his belt. "This is what you get for being a freak and bringing your freakiness here!" Uncle Vernon said while continuing to beat me with his belt. Uncle Vernon then took out a knife and carved the words "freak", "useless", "unwanted", "slut", and "whore" into Harry's skin. He then carried on with beating Harry with his belt. Vernon then turned Harry onto his back so it hurt Harry more, and then started hitting his stomach. 'Don't scream. It'll make it worse'. Harry thought as Vernon kept hitting him. "Have you learned your lesson, freak?"

Harry nods then Vernon stages him back to the cupboard and throws him inside. Vernon then locks the door and goes back upstairs. Harry was about to sit up to see his injuries, when a rush of incredible and horrible pain passes through his body. Harry bites his bottom lip to prevent himself from screaming so his uncle doesn't attack him for waking up Harry's aunt and cousin. Harry has to hide his head into the mattress to stop himself. A flash of red, gold and green lights flash around Harry. That as fast as it appeared the pain disappeared, Harry then passes out from tiredness.


A/N: So I hope you like this first chapter, it took me a while to write it, not very long since I am able to type fast while looking back and forth to the story and writing it. @TheSamonShiper I hope you liked it for the first chapter, and I also hope you like the book cover, since I worked very hard on it. 

I'm A WHAT?! (A Marvel/Harry Potter Fan-Fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt