She stayed

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Students ran through the school gates the next morning, Mary Margaret and Gwen stood at the gates and watched them. Pleasantly, they all seemed to enjoy school so there were little to no sad faces. Both teachers noticed Henry hadn't arrived yet causing them to worry since he had already run away twice. When Gwen spotted him with a blonde woman she had never seen before, she was both relieved and worried. Seeing Mary Margaret's shocked happy expression, she knew he wasn't in danger with this woman. Mary Margaret walks over to the woman, Gwen assumed she knew her.

Gwens POV
I make my way over to Mary and the woman, both talking about Henrys book.
"Hi, I'm Gwen Jones, are you...Henrys birth mother?" I ask and she nods.
"I'm Emma, you're married to the deputy aren't you?" She asks, I smile and nod. So she must be a crook, that's great for Henry.
"So who are you in Henrys book?" Mary Margaret asks me, why is it a big deal? I know Henry likes the book but we shouldn't be talking about it like he's crazy.
"I don't know, he says he can't find me but my husband is apparently Captain Hook" I reveal causing both Emma and Mary Margaret to laugh.

"Yeah I met him. He's not old and ugly" Emma remarks causing me to laugh and raise an eyebrow, she better not be meaning that in a flirtatious way. I'm not a jealous person normally...but Killian is a different story.
"I have to go. It was nice meeting you Gwen" Emma says and leaves in almost a hurry.

No ones POV

Gwen woke up in probably one of the worst beds ever, yet she had an amazing night sleep. Finally there was room for her to move around, she couldn't thank Robin enough, him and his wife were both so kind to her and his wife Marian was noticeably pregnant. Reminding Gwen of her mother, she should have had the baby by now, hopefully Charlie was taking care of her. She made her way into the the tavern where Robin was already cleaning.

"Amanda! There's something I have to tell you..." he said as he looked up at her, judging by the look on his face, Gwen knew it wasn't something good.
"The ship you told me your husband left port early this morning" he announced. Gwen couldn't believe it, he actually left and took everything she owned. Everything her father once gave her was now in his possession.

Gwens POV
Since it's recess I decided to stay in and check my emails, something I normally do after school but I want to go home early today. My phone starts to ring so I pick it up without looking at who it is calling me.
"Good morning Mrs Jones"
"Madame everything okay?" I ask, she never calls unless its urgent. I wouldn't call us friends but we are definitely not enemies. Last year, when I taught Henry, she didn't seem to mind how I decided to teach him. Unlike this year, she seems to hate everything Mary Margaret is teaching him, for some reason. She teaches the same thing every year, we both have no idea why this is now such a problem.

"I want you to keep my son away from Miss Swan. If you see them together make her leave him alone and bring him to me" she orders, I roll my eyes. Thankfully she cant see me or I'd probably be dead.

"All due respect Madame Mayor I don't think Emma posses any harm to your son, shes just worried about him. Like any biological mother would be" I instantly regret that I even opened my mouth.
"And what would you know about being a mother?" she snaps causing me to be lost for words. She is right, what do I know?

No Ones POV

Gwen rushed out of the tavern, not wanting to even look at Robin. She hopped he had made a mistake, that Killians threat from the previous night was an empty one, that he was waiting for her at the docks. Maybe if she would hurry, she can stop the ship. Maybe she would have made it, but instead she collided with someone causing them both to fall.

"Oh I am so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you" the person apologises, Gwen looks at her. She could swear she recognises her from somewhere. Gwen helps her stand and wipe the dirt off herself.

"No it's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going...just in a rush" Gwen sighs. The girl nods sympathetically. She puts her hand out and Gwen gladly shakes it.
"I'm Snow"
"I'm...Amanda" Gwen lies, not trusting her enough just yet. Snow raises an eyebrow, obviously not believing her.

"Not its not, but you obviously have a reason not to tell me. Do you know where I can hide for tonight?" Snow asks, catching Gwen off guard until she looks at her clothes. It was nearly obvious that Snow was a bandit, Gwen nodded and walked her to Robins tavern. Giving up on the hope Killian had waited

Meanwhile at the docks, Killian actually was waiting. He regretted saying that to her, even though she totally deserved it. The crew was getting restless, they obviously wanted to get a move on. Smee approached him from behind.
"She's not coming Captain." Killian knew he was right, but why did he care. The girls father ruined him and she was a pain in the arse who couldn't shut her mouth especially when she needed to.

"Get ready to set sail"

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