Night ruined

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To say Gwens plan failed would be an understatement, her whole tantrum only made Killian want her to stay longer. For a full week he didn't let her out, he sent Smee to bring her food but very little of it. Smee could have sworn she was going crazy, he heard her talk to herself every night and she always thought she was talking to her brother.

"Smee! I'm going to the tavern. Keep an eye on Locke" Killian yelled his orders at the shorter man who quickly nodded, not wanting to upset his captain who was already in a foul mood. As the rest of the crew left, he stayed. It was the first time him and Gwen had been truly alone, not that she cared, she was to busy loosing her mind.

Smee did his best to avoid her, he didn't want to talk to her or be anyway where near her. The only time he'd been in her presence for longer than a minute was when he gave her food and water and she threw it back at him, she wasn't fed the next day for that.

"Gwen ...I'm going to open the hatch. You promise not to escape?" Smee asked, keeping some distance from himself and the hatch. He could hear slight movement from below, she barely moved the whole time she was in there.
"I promise" she sang, her voice broke as she did. She was obviously severely dehydrated and it made Smee feel bad for her, she lost a lot in the past few weeks.

He opened the hatch but was immediately met with a fist meeting his nose, causing him to fall into the hatch as Gwen climbed out.
"Jones should have tied me up. Word of advice, never trust a Locke" she put the hatch down and locked it, now it was Smee who was trapped and she preferred it that way. Immediately, she left the ship and made way to the tavern, in search of her 'Captain'

Gwens POV
We all noticed Henry was gone, Mary Margaret is assuming he's sick but he was fine yesterday and he's hardly ever sick. I'm debating on texting Killian, just in case he's run away again. I let my class out to recess, finally a moment to think. I really want to call Killian, I want to apologise for last night but I'm not the one in the wrong. Right?

I grab my phone and dial his number but I hear a phone ring Infront of me. I lift my head and almost to my shock I see my husband standing five feet away from me.
"No need to call love" he smirked causing me to roll my eyes playfully. I hang up and walk over to him.
"What's going on? Why are you here?" I ask with panic in my voice, the only time he every visited me at work was when he was on lunch break of trying to solve a crime. It's to early for his lunch break.

"Henry ran away again. We're looking for him, Graham is at Reginas house and I came here to ask if anyone has seen him. Regina and Henrys birth mother are talking to Mary Margaret" he explained.

When Gwen arrived at the tavern, Killian already had ladies sitting either on him or next to him. This was Gwens golden opportunity, she took a jug of what she assumed was Ale from a woman's tray and made her way over to the table.

Killian saw her walk in, he made a mental note to punish Smee when he sobers up. He tried to ignore her walking over but for some reason he had a bad feeling it. His gut feeling proved itself right when a jug of ale was thrown at him. Drenching himself and his company.

"How could you!? Leaving me in the middle of the night knowing you had given me chlamydia!? You should be ashamed" Gwen screamed, throwing in some fake tears as she walked away in victory. Hearing the women leave Killians side was music to her ears, oh revenge was sweet, especially when it was served to him. Her hand touched the door knob when you felt someone grab her arm roughly. Turning her head she saw Killian and the rage he was displaying. He opened the door and dragged her outside. Gwen had purposely ruined his night, and there was no way in hell she was going to get away with it.

"How did you escape!?" He yelled, it was a little scary even for Gwen. She rolled her eyes.
"If you to keep me in that cell. Don't get Smee to keep guard of me" she snarled, pulling her arm out of his grasp.
"Maybe you shouldn't have been a bitch in the first place. Now you can go fend for yourself but let me tell you something Locke. All those possessions on my ship, the pictures of your so called family. They're mine now" he growls before he leaves, leaving Gwen alone and shock stricken.

"Are you okay?" A voice behind her asked. She turned around, it was a man. He had short brown hair and blue eyes from what she could tell, the rest of his features where hard to determine due to the lack of light.
"Yes, I'm fine. He's just drunk" she explains, and it's not a lie. But to get whoever this person was to leave, she would have to lie.
"I heard what he said. I own the tavern. You're than welcome to stay here for the night. I'm sure your husband will come back tomorrow."

Did this man actually think Killian was her husband? Disgusting. If only he knew what Killian did to get father, if only he knew how much she hated him. She gave the man a small smile,
"Thank you, I'm...Amanda" Gwen lied, she doesn't trust this man enough. For heaven sake if he knew who her father was she could potentially be hanged for piracy.
"I'm Robin, nice to meet you Amanda"

Gwen would have liked to lie and said the day went fast, but it didn't. It was the slowest day she'd had in a long time. She didn't want to go home so she was thankful for the fact it seemed like the clocks stopped working. But she couldn't ignore her husband, she loved him and she knew he loved her no natter what arguments they had.
"I know that look. You're upset, what's wrong?" Mary Margaret asked as she waltzed into Gwens classroom. Gwen chuckled and began to put some worksheets into her bag.

"I just don't want to go home. Me and Killian had a fight last night about babies and it didn't end well" she explained, Mary Margaret sighed. This wasn't the first time this had happened and it probably wouldn't be the last.
"You two seem to loose hope to quickly. You try once and then stop. Maybe all you need is just to have hope that the more you try the more likely that it'll happen." She suggests, and to Gwen it actually made sense, they had no problem with trying but they only tried once a month. Despite the fact both knew it probably wasn't enough.

Timeskip to: when Killian comes home

The house was filled with candles, every type of them. The scented ones, the small ones, basically every candle Gwen had ever brought. And at first sight, it startled Killian a little since this had never happened before, he looked up Infront of him and saw his wife standing there.
"I don't want to fight" she said in what was almost a whisper "I hate fighting. And we always argue about the same thing, why do we stop trying? We've never given it a really chance-" Killian cuts off his wife with a sweet kiss. One they both desperately wanted all day, just to say "I'm sorry" or "I love you". Killians arms rested around Gwens waist, they pulled away after a while for air. Holding each other close.

"Are you trying to say that you want to keep trying?" Killian asks, hoping her answer would be yes.
"Yeah I am. What have we got to loose" she asks. Without responding, Killian lifts his wife off the ground and carries her upstairs, causing her to laugh a little as her closed to the door to their bedroom.


Henry Mills sat by his window, eyes locked onto the clock as he waited to see if the clock would change now that Emma was here. Now that she might stay.


The handles moved for the first time ever, a smile made its way onto the young boys face.
'She's going to break it' he thought to himself.

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