10. Morning

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(A/N): I'm changing my writing style for this book. Words in italic will also be thoughts too. Maybe words in bold and italic will be dialogue along with signing, but I haven't decided yet.

I stirred at the feeling of warmth hitting my face. After a moment of panic, I realized that here wasn't anyone in my room, and it was only the bright ray of sunlight shining through the gap in the curtains. The realization of school came to me a moment after and I groaned at the thought of it.

Oh wait.

At least I get to see Jungkook and Taehyung!

They were so nice yesterday. Jungkook was nice...

I creek my bedroom door open quietly to see if the coast was clear. It is. Sneaking past father's bedroom where I'm assuming there's loud snoring, I hastily close the door to the bathroom and did my morning routine for school.

Good thing father isn't awake. I have some spare time.

After I finished, I searched in the kitchen for any food, or at least any ingredients. Father never cooks, so its always me who made the food and bought the groceries. He hardly ever cares about this house at all...

But I'm not complaining. It's peaceful being alone and doing things myself.

There were thankfully enough eggs to make an omelette, so not wasting any time, I prepared the ingredients and made myself an easy breakfast.

By the time I was done, I noticed that there weren't any signs of father waking up and that made confusion settle in my head.

This is so strange... Did father drink too much yesterday or something?

I fought the urge to investigate further since I had to leave the house for school. Gathering my stuff, I carefully made my way out, cautious of making any loud noises just in case father was already awake and ready to rat me out.

I wish I could hear whenever something's happening...

But I guess this isn't so bad. I don't have to talk to anybody. And I don't have to hear some things that I don't want to listen too...

I walked down the block, my usual path to school and admired the clouds in the sky and the trees rustling around, smiling to myself; not because I was excited for school of course, who on earth would like school? But because I was going to see Taehyung again. And Jungkook too.

I still need to apologize for kicking them out yesterday. Whoops.

Jungkook will probably think I'm weird now...

Just then, a tuff of brown hair from the side caught my attention. Quickly turning, I realized that it was Jungkook, also walking to school, also in the same direction as me too, and he was flashing a bunny like smile towards me, giggling happily.

Gosh, when did he get here?

"Hello Y/N," Jungkook said as he stuffed his hands in his sweater pockets, walking alongside me. I immediately smiled back. There was something about this boy that makes me smile... But with a bit of nervousness too.


Jungkook's smile widens as I'm still wondering why he's here.

I should probably say something to him... Why do I feel awkward.

We continue walking beside each other for some time until I decided to speak, so I poke at Jungkook's arm to get his attention.

"Why are you walking with me? Do you live close?"

Jungkook glances at me and smiles again, his eyes squinting into little crescents, another genuine smile that I also didn't know the reason of.

"Yeah, I live about a block away from where I saw you turn the corner. There isn't really a reason why I'm walking with you, I just saw you so why not?"

A giggle escapes my lips as Jungkook finishes. I could see an evident laugh just by looking at his face. I almost always feel better when Jungkook signs for some reason... But I can't say for sure— we haven't known each other for a very long time yet. It's so relieving to not have to worry about lip reading when I'm with Taehyung and Jungkook.

I gave a nod as a reply and continued making my way to the familiar school building. Taehyung was the first person I saw the moment I stepped past the school gates. He jumped and waved, yelling 'heys' and 'good mornings' from the distance like a little kid which made it easy to spot him immediately. Jungkook only rolled his eyes at Tae as he was skipping over to both of us.

"Why are you so jumpy today?" I see Jungkook ask and give him a confused face. Taehyung is in fact acting much jumpier and happier today than any other days for some reason, and I figured he might've had too much caffeine or something. But nonetheless, I was happy to see him with me during the morning because he usually hangs out with his group of friends a lot.

I turn away from Taehyung immediately when I see his mouth open wide and moving, and Jungkook cringing, probably shouting something that would embarrass me later if I find out.

Ugh, boys are always so chaotic...

But I'm so happy I found those two... Taehyung is so comforting and funny...

Jungkook is so sweet too...

At least being with them makes me feel better that when I'm at home with father. They're such genuine friends I don't deserve....

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