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Wednesday  Night 6:30 pm

Emma was in her room trying to find something to wear for dinner with Regina , it wasnt some fancy dinner she just planned to take her to a nice diner after work "hey Rubes!" Emma called from behind her door "yeah?" Ruby answered walking down the hallway to Emma's bedroom "what would you wear for a casual dinner but nice enough you want to impress ?" Ruby smirked "I would wear your good black Jean's and that new white tshirt you got , you know the one that makes your shoulders and arms look delicious " Emma rolled her eyes and shut the door in Ruby's face "and wear your lucky shoes !" Ruby added before walking away giggling.

Fifteen minutes later Emma came out of her room dressed and ready , she walked into the living room to grab her wallet and keys "looking good mom" Henry complimented "thanks kid" . Ruby gave emma a look up and down "if she dosent want you then I'll take you" Emma pushed ruby playfully "easy tiger"  . Ruby checked her watch "you better get going it's nearly seven" Emma nodded and double checked she had everything before heading out of the apartment .


Regina was feeling quite nervous about tonight , emma didnt tell her to dress up but she dosent want to go too casual "I'm freaking out" she sighed pacing her office "hey Gina calm down okay ? You look amazing " Belle said trying to convince Regina she will be fine "but I dont want to be too casual !" Regina cried out "your not ! Your perfectly dressy enough for dinner ..you've just finished a eighteen hour shift I'm surprised your even awake " Belle joked "it's also seven so you would want to go out front" Regina's eyes widened and she hurried around the room making sure she had everything she needed "wheres my phone !" She started searching her desk frantically while Belle watched for a second , enjoying the fact she could see Regina freaking out over Emma "its here ..where you left it " Belle pointed out holding up the phone thay was sitting on the couch " oh" Regina took the phone and laughed "wish me luck"

Neither woman was prepared for tonight , they were both equally nervous and hesitant . Emma waited in her car outside the doors of the hospital tapping her fingers to the beat of the music on the radio while Regina walked through the hospital hallways trying to keep her breathing steady . Once she made it to the doors and seen Emma in the car she couldnt help but smile . Emma caught regina staring and smiled back , she reached over and opened the passenger side door for the brunette "you look amazing" she complimented as Regina got into the car "as do you" regina replied "so where are you taking me ?" Regina questioned "well I wont lie ..I forgot to make a reservation somewhere and somehow everywhere is booked out " Regina laughed "on a wensday ?" Emma nodded "I know right so I was thinking what if we got some take out from granny's and headed up to the hike trail and watched the sunset ?" Regina blushed "sounds good to me" Emma smiled and started up the car "good because I already put the order in in granny's" .

Emma ran into Grannys to collect their order and then they drove to the hike trail "come on it's only up here" Emma mentioned taking the food and walking up the hill "you know you could have warned me before I wore heels" Regina teased "it couldve been worse ..it could have been bowling" Emma joked making Regina giggle .

(This is what they were wearing)

Once Emma and Regina had sat on the blanket Emma brought from the back of her car they started to take the food out of the bag "how did you know my order I change my mind constantly" Regina questioned while putting a fry in her mouth "I'm just tha...

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Once Emma and Regina had sat on the blanket Emma brought from the back of her car they started to take the food out of the bag "how did you know my order I change my mind constantly" Regina questioned while putting a fry in her mouth "I'm just that good I guess" Emma said cockily "nah I'm kidding , granny knew" Regina nodded "now I'd believe that" .

The two women ate in a comfortable silence and looked over the hill onto the city "the lights are beautiful" Regina sighed "they are , I'm glad you took me up on dinner tonight ..even if it wasnt what you expected" Regina smiled fondly at Emma "it was better than I expected" Regina replied , they both spent a minute looking into each others eyes before they kissed,  the kiss was getting heated and that's when Emma pulled away "we um better get back , I promised Henry I'd say goodnight" Emma lied standing up "oh right of course , how is he ?" Regina asked helping Emma clean up "hes good , hes just happy I'm home for now" Regina stopped moving "for now?" Emma cursed herself "I meant i-" Regina didnt wait for her to come up with an excuse "your not seriously going to go back to Iraq!" Emma shook her head "god no I wouldn't do thay to Henry again " Regina sighed in relief "thank god" Emma hesitated "but that's not to say I'm finished with the army" Regina looked at Emma and could tell the stupidly gorgeous blonde was hesitating to tell her something "are you leaving ?" Regina asked her voice slightly breaking "I might be , I uh I dont know yet " Regina began to walk away angrily "regina hey!" Emma grabbed the brunettes arm but Regina pulled it away "why emma ! Why ask me out to dinner making me believe we might be fixing things and kiss me of you are just leaving anyway !" Regina spit angrily , tears rushing down her face "I dont know if im leaving Regina and if I was it would only be to train recruits in country " Emma tried her best to explain but to Regina the army only meant Emma could get hurt "I cant ..I cant " Regina sobbed . After a minute Regina stopped crying and wiped her tears "take me home" was the only thing she said to emma the rest of the night , even when she got out of the car and emma said goodnight she didnt even look back "shit" emma sighed hitting the steering wheel .

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