Chapter 3

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No need to be paranoid Wade, he thought to himself. He didn't like the silence surrounding the house, and started towards the door to find Aunt B. As Wade passed the second door from his, he heard soft music coming from inside. The music could be identified as a piece on a piano, it sounded lonely and almost raspy. It was captivating, but Wade moved on not wanting to disturb, what he assumed to be, another guest. He continued down the stairs, and into the parlor. Upon entering he saw Aunt B seated on a reading chair stitching an elaborate flower onto a piece of cloth.

"Hello dear." She said looking up from her work. "Is the room to your liking?"

"Very much so." Wade replied as politely as possible.

Aunt B nodded her head once in reply and continued with her design. Wade made his way to the couch, and picked up today's paper off the coffee table. He scanned the pages not taking peculiar interest in any of the stories. He set the paper on the table and looked around the room. It was a lovely room. The walls were a light lavender and all the furnishings were black and white. There was a magnificent fireplace with intricate details bordering the brick structure. As Wade looked he noticed the dog was still sleeping near the fire looking peaceful. He thought it was odd that he had heard no noise from either animal or from the residence upstairs.

Aunt B suddenly stood up and walked into the kitchen, leaving a very confused guest behind her. 

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