Chapter 1

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Hello readers! Thank you for giving my work a try. This story is in its second draft as it is posted so please feel free to leave comments where corrections might be needed. I hope you enjoy our heroine Bryn and the trouble she faces. Please remember to vote so the story can be found by others.

Festival colors of silver and black wove happy tapestries among the excited populace. Red robed priests dotted the crowd, their white sashes brighter even than the newly fallen snow. Everything sparkled joyously, good humor lined every face.

She hated it.

Brynhildur Skadi shivered, a shudder that reached the depth of her bones. She rubbed the tips of her fingers where they turned alarmingly pale, alternating first one hand and then the other. Then she stuck the appendages beneath her armpits for good measure.

Tiny flakes floated down, bright little needles of cold in the growing dusk. They clung to her threadbare dress and the tangled strands of white-blond hair that always escaped her braids and hung loose in her face. Soft, fur lined mitts adorned most of the people on the street, she drew in an envious sigh, until she could feel the air crystallizing inside her nose. Why did her people live in a place so Gods forsaken that it hurt to breath?

All around her the full moon festival raged, the cobblestone streets filled with people despite the bitter cold. Fellow revelers danced, side-stepped and stumbled over one another. Thick boots crunched on layers of snow and ice and ale scented the air so strongly that it left a bitter taste on her tongue. Each face and joyful voice lent credence to the festive spirit.

She couldn't wait for it to be over.

A giggling couple, young and wrapped head to toe in furs, veered in her direction, forcing her to step backward. They didn't notice, arms wrapped around one another, obviously unaffected by the presence of other people—or winter—lending drunkenness to the festive spirit.

They toppled down an alley behind her. A curious place to continue Did they not fear would freeze? She certainly wouldn't want to expose any more skin than necessary. But perhaps there was some secret to fornication that would prevent such calamity, admittedly she was no expert.

She stomped her numb feet, trying vainly to work some warmth back into them. Unfortunately, the action just forced snow between the sole and toe. Reminding her that her reason for attending this festival in the dead of winter was not to celebrate.

“Bryn?” the deep tones of her brother's voice carried from the alley. Bryn twitched violently at the unexpected sound.

“What are you doing in there?” she turned to face him as he emerged. He was a tall man, and broad enough that the alley would be a tight fit, even without the presence of others.

“It's shorter this way. This alley cuts across to the moon temple.”

She screwed up her face and peered behind him. “Did you see...ah, never mind.” Heat rose to her cheeks at the thought of trying to explain the couple to her older brother.

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