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Anemos glowered at Aetos, but that didn't ruin his moment. He had suggested a war tactic to the King, and he accepted. Of course, he was grateful to Qi'ra for adding to the effort.

The King sent out the decree. The Prasidiei army would be preparing for war.

"I must go," Aetos told his friends, "I am a part of the army as well. I must go and do my part,"

"We understand, Aetos. And we're proud of you," Calum smiled and nodded to him.

"Good luck," Qi'ra said. The girl was strange, but at least she was less vicious now.

As the Commandments flew off, the King suddenly called to him, "Aetos, a word, please,"

"Of course, my King," Aetos said. He walked over to King Anax.

"I'm sure you remember that your father is a Commandment," The King said.

"Yes, I remember," Aetos replied.

"Well, sadly he has yet to heal completely, so there is an unfortunate vacancy,"

Aetos' heart hammered rapidly against his chestplate. Was it what he thought it was?

"I have been thinking, and who to better take your father's place than his own son?"

"I-" Aetos' voice died in his throat.

"Aetos, I hereby promote you to the rank of Commandment, until your father heals completely,"

"M-my King, I do not-"

King Anax stopped him, "Let it sink in. Your father was a great Commandment, he served the Prasidiei army with great bravery and valour. I am sure you will be no different from him, and perhaps you may be even better than him at it,"

Aetos was at a loss for words.

Finally, he managed to utter, "I am truly honoured, my King. But what makes you think I am suitable for leadership? I am unsure if this is my area of expertise,"

"I did not promote you because I saw leadership skills within you, Aetos. I saw a burning passion to do your duty, unswerving loyalty. With that, you will instill willpower and courage into the Prasidiei ranks. I know it," The King put his talons on Aetos' shoulders.

Aetos kneeled down and saluted, "Yes, my King!"

"Rise, Commandment Aetos," King Anax said solemnly.

Aetos turned to Qi'ra and Calum. They were buzzing with excitement. Well done!

"Report to the armoury to get your Commandment's armour," King Anax instructed, "I have sent word via the empathy links. The other Commandments will acknowledge your new rank,"

"Thank you, my King," Aetos bowed to King Anax.

As they left the room, he, Calum and Qi'ra walked through the hallway, the three of them full of excited energy. It was mostly Calum talking, but Qi'ra gave him enthusiastic congrats as well.

"That was amazing! First the King accepts your war tactic, then he promotes you to Commandment! That's like a general, right?" Calum asked. He wouldn't stop clapping Aetos in the back.

"Yes, indeed," Aetos replied, "I will lead the charge to reclaim the Sword of the Sky," He mumbled. "Oh, Gods, I am going to lead the charge to reclaim the Sword of the Sky,"

"You'll do great," Qi'ra assured him.

Aetos glanced at her, "You are so different now. It feels like only yesterday you were vicious and aggressive,"

Heavenly Mortals-Act OneWhere stories live. Discover now