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When I finally found Jungkook outside, I walked up to him and he had the biggest smile

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When I finally found Jungkook outside, I walked up to him and he had the biggest smile.

"Hey! Taehyung tells me you might actually be learning something from me." I laughed and nodded.

"Ya, but I do have a request if that's ok." I remembered how helpless I felt when I had apparently teleported to our home and were surrounded by those men.

"Sure." He crossed his arms and waited for me to proceed.

"I know the Daeva are strong and a lot bigger than me, but is there anything I could do if they were to grab me from behind or hold onto my arms," He nodded his head.

"Yes, I can teach you how to use your opponent's size and strength against them."

He didn't waste any time in teaching me what to do and how to use my smaller size to my advantage. He would wrap his arms around me from behind and hold tight showing me how I could grab their arm and drop to the ground, sending the person flying up and over me. It took a lot of effort, but I finally managed to do it once.

"Yes!" Jungkook stayed on the ground rubbing his shoulder but happy. I had fallen to my knees, exhausted, but smiled over at him. We had been training all afternoon long and I didn't realize how late it really was until my stomach started to growl. "Let's go get something to eat." Jungkook said. I stood up and held out my hand to help him get up as well. We walked into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat.

"Do you want to eat outside? It's really nice out." I asked and he agreed. We walked outside and sat in the Gazebo. We talked about how training was going and he told me who were some of the best fighters and some who needed some work. He may have hinted that Yoongi wasn't the best fighter, but his determination to be better was admirable. I still had no idea how Taehyung was captured and how the pack was at the cave and figured Jungkook would be able to fill me in. "What happened that day at the cave?" I was finished eating so sat up and waited for him to answer.

"As soon as Willa told us what happened, we started figuring out something. It was all Grayson's idea actually. We needed to figure out where the blade was so we could try to keep it from the Daeva which meant that we needed to make sure you helped them." He lowered his head a little. "However, we all know how stubborn you can be so Grayson suggested that Taehyung let himself be caught knowing the Daeva would use him as leverage to get you to help them." I scoffed not believing that everything Taehyung was an act.

"I don't know if I should be mad or impressed." Jungkook didn't respond to me, but rather kept going.

"Andrea kept track of you both with her familiar and we followed you to the cave. Originally, we were going to get you out of there before the cave was even opened, but we underestimate the strength of the Daeva. Taehyung was unable to shift as he had a little bit of Wolfsbane in his system so we needed to get him out fast. The Daeva had surrounded you and we couldn't through until Euric finally entered the cave. Grayson quickly grabbed you and we all figured it would be best to leave as a lot of us were hurt."

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