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"Jack?" He came closer to me and then jumped onto me, putting his paws onto my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and dug my face into his fur.

"He really liked the jerky you gave him by the way." Hosek spoke up. I stood up, letting Jack, or Jungkook come back to the ground.

"So you all are wolves?" I looked to Hosek and then Willa who both nodded. "Ok, so why am I here?" Hosek motioned back to the table and we sat down. Willa joined us as well while Jungkook took off into the forest.

"Would you like to explain mates to her?" Hosek motioned to Willa.

"Werewolves are a lot like real wolves in that they mate for life except it's a little more involved than that. Each one of use has only one mate that we are destined to be with. We don't know who that person is until we come in close contact with them. Once we are close to them, the feeling is like an intense pull. You feel the need to be close to them all the time and you feel extremely protective towards them. It's basically a very strong love at first sight. We have two mated pairs here at the house. Myself with Yoongi and Jin with Dakota."

"So...you're married then?" Both Hosek and Willa smiled while shaking their heads.

"There is no need for a wedding. Our souls have been intertwined since the moment we were born. We didn't choose this like humans do with mariage."

"Didn't choose this? That sounds terrible."

"It's not though. It's really hard to describe the feeling because even though I didn't choose who my mate was, I finally felt whole once he found me. The love I have for Yoongi is real and I believe it's stronger than any human bond."

"Ok? So what does this have to do with me?" I saw Willa look over to Hosek with her head down and a blank look on her face.

"This is where it gets complicated." Hosek started looking at me with a serious expression. "Taehyung believes you are his mate." I stared back at Hosek.

"Who?" That was a name that I had not heard of before.

"Taehyung is the Alpha of our pack. The Alpha is the leader and typically one of the stronger wolves of the pack. I will explain the hierarchy at a later time."

"But I'm a human, not a wolf. How can I be a mate?" I held my head trying to wrap my mind around all this.

"It is very rare. Possible, but rare. It has happened only a couple times in the last thousand years and only with an Alpha."

"Why isn't he here telling me this? Why isn't he wanting to be around me and why don't I feel this supposed pull towards him like you said Willa?" I stood up and started pacing across the porch.

"Once you find your mate, you have a hard time focusing on other things. Being an Alpha requires a lot of attention. Taehyung has always been against the idea of mates as he says he needs to focus on the needs of the pack first. He is suppressing his feelings right now, but he was there in the cabin when you were attacked. He was the first one there actually. He felt your distress and heard your screams." I turned towards her.

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