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Running down the compartments, trying to avoid getting tripped, the two best friends were absolutely terrified.

There used to be two more friends in their group.

Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode.

The four girls had known each other since their first year, when they found out that they would share a room at school. Immediately the four clicked, and they were the best of friends.

Each of their personalities complimented the other, until Daphne began Operation Dragon Flower Endgame.

It was known that Pansy was in love with Draco Malfoy, though the boy shared none of those feelings. Pansy felt betrayed beyond belief, and Milli was always going to support Pansy.

That's when the rivalry started between the girls, and where their once fun living room turned deadly. Every year a prank war would real put between the four girls, their level of mischief was thought to sometimes even outwit the Weasley twins.

Normally they wouldn't resume their rivalry till Mid-September, but when Violet saw an opportunity she couldn't help but take it.

Watching Pansy Parkinson try to seduce her latest potential boy toy, while Millicent stood behind her, glancing down at her feet.

Griping Daphnes arm to pull her beside her, Violet didn't remove her eyes from her ex-friends, a smirk forming on her face. "What do you say we start we start a little earlier this year?"

Grinning excitedly, Daphne nodded rapidly already thinking of the multitude of hex's and jinx's.

Already knowing exactly what she was going to cast, and how dead she would be the moment Pansy figured it out, Violet pulled out her wand ensuring to keep her eyes on Pansy.

"Cantis." she whispered, eyes widening when Pansy begin singing opera at the top of her lungs.

She tried, she really did try to keep her laughter at bay, but from the look on Pansy's face to the startled look the boy gave the girl she couldn't help it.

Loud laughter spilled from her throat, and Pansy Parkinson immediately heard it, sharply spinning on her heel.

Locking eyes with the Dursley girl, Pansy got ready to scream profanities at the girl but instead the opera voice began once more.

Daphne quickly grabbed Violets hand, dragging her sown the hallway, as they ran from the newly founded horrible opera singer and her side kick.


The boys quickly looked up when they saw the two panting girls push themselves into the compartment. Before closing the door, Violet looked out once more and laughed her beautiful laugh, before quickly locking the compartment and collapsing next to Draco.

"What did the two of you do?" Draco asked as he heard angry banging on the door as well as a loud screeching sound that some may call singing.

Giggling while holding onto her boyfriends arm and kissing his cheek, Daphne responded, "Let's just say that Violet kicked off the war a little early this year."

Looking to the girl next to him, Draco couldn't stop himself from showing a small smile. Violet always found some way to entertain the Malfoy boy. Whether it was her antics or the musical laugh she held, Violet Dursley was amazing.

"Of course she did," he muttered, shaking his head, "How was your summer, Violet?"

Picking up one of Daphnes many Witch Weekly magazines, Violet huffed, "I'm sure you've all heard about my summer. The "boy who lived" has once again ruined summer, oh wait he's always done that. So nothing out of the ordinary."

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